“I’m very curious about what this is!” I grab a chair and sit down next to Lita.
Once her computer is on, she opens up a computer program, flushing pink as she says, “Okay, I’ll let you drive. It should be pretty self-explanatory; there’s even a tutorial.”
The screen says ‘HAPPY 30THBIRTHDAY, SEBASTIAN!’ on it, and she moves to the side, so I’m in front of the computer and can control it. There’s a big start button underneath the words, so I click on it.
“Hey, it’s me!” I exclaim with a laugh as a little cartoon version of me wakes up in bed in what I recognize as my apartment in Chicago.
“Yup.” She grins at me. “You use the W, A, S, and D keys to move around. Then you can use the mouse to click anything that you can interact with or choose dialogue options.”
The game follows a day in my life in Chicago. I direct the mini-me into the kitchen of my apartment to make some toast for breakfast, play some guitar, and then visit Heather and Harrison at their apartment.
“This is amazing,” I say as my little mini-me drives his Ferrari toward Hayden’s apartment.
His apartment isn’t accurate like mine or Heather and Harrison’s was, and I realize that Lita’s never been there, which is when I realize exactly how much effort she’s put into this. The level of detail that she’s gone to in order to make this present for me is astounding.
I play pool with Hayden on the screen, and when I easily beat him, I’m unable to resist telling Lita with a grin, “Even in a computer game, I kick his ass at pool.”
I can’t wait to see him today and do it in reality. The last thing in the game is a visit to Gabriel and Ariana’s apartment. I’m able to pick up one of the books on a bookshelf, and my character sits in an armchair to read it before the rest of the group arrives. Our little minis watch Netflix and drink alcohol before the game ends about thirty minutes after I started to play it.
As the screen goes blank, the birthday message comes up again, and the tiny cartoon band on the screen plays “Just So You Know.” I watch my little mini-me strum his guitar, and I can hardly believe that she did this for me.
“What do you think?” Lita asks, biting her lip, and she looks nervous as she waits for my response.
I stare at her, the woman I love, who has obviously spent hours and hours in here to create this birthday present.
“It’s…fucking amazing, Lita. I’ve never…” I trail off because I can’t put into words how much I love itand her.
Lita releases a breath of air in a whoosh. “I was terrified that you would think it was stupid.”
“Stupid?!” I gasp and shake my head. “Lita, nobody has ever put this much effort intoanythingfor me. It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen. The only thing it’s missing isyou.”
“Oh, I didn’t even think to put myself in it.” Lita blushes.
I smile at her, then lean over and give her a hug. “Well, you should have. Every day of my life is better when you’re in it. Thank you for the best birthday present I’ve ever been given.”
I wish she had been in the game as well because she’s a much bigger priority for me than she realizes.
* * *
In the afternoon,Ben drives us to Dr. Sanders’ office. The paparazzi have been here for every appointment, so I’m not surprised that they’re here when we arrive, and Lita clutches my hand as we make our way through them with Ben and Daryl flanking us.
Lita’s been reading a lot of stories online about us. People have a lot of theories about us seeing a fetal cardiologist. I hate the attention I’ve brought on her, and I worry about what the stress of all of this is doing to Lita and Mirabella.
After Lita’s been through the usual tests, we sit in front of Dr. Sanders in his office, and he has a serious look on his face. “I want to prepare you for the possibility of needing surgery. The tumor does seem to be growing at a quicker rate than we’d like to see. I’d like to refer you to another specialist in case they think surgery will be needed in the next week or two.”
“Surgery, in the next week or two? That’s so soon!” Lita exclaims, voicing my own concern.
“I know, Lita. Look, it’s possible that, with careful monitoring, you could get further without needing surgery. Or, the tumor’s growth rate will decrease, and you won’t need in utero surgery at all.”
“Does this mean needing to go to Los Angeles, then?” I ask.
“Yes, I think it’s the safest bet. Lita has mentioned being uncomfortable with the idea of not being under the care of the specialist who may need to perform the surgery.” He gives a reassuring smile to Lita. “This would allow you to meet your surgeon in advance.”
It makes sense. She’s said this multiple times, both to me and Dr. Sanders. I just want her to be as comfortable as she can be with everything. She’s been seeing the doctor every few days, so I’m probably going to need to look at renting an apartment in LA for a while, and we’ll have to move there until the end of the pregnancy.
“Could the surgery be performed in Chicago?” Lita asks.