Page 175 of Sebastian's Baby

“We’re going to see the doctor today,” I tell them, and their bright smiles become forced. There’s pity and concern in their expressions, and I don’t want to focus on how shitty the pregnancy situation is this morning, so I continue, “Then we’re flying to Chicago in the afternoon.”

“It’ll be good to see you,” Gabriel says with a more genuine smile.

I smile, too, eager to see my friends again because it’s been hard being out here and going through all this without them.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to see you guys. What are you up to tonight? Want to catch up?”

“I’m so sorry, darling,” Heather says. “We’ve got dinner at my parents’ place. We’re free tomorrow.”

What the fuck?

I kind of can’t believe this because they knew I was flying back today, and I just assumed that we’d all catch up today when I got back. It was part of why I chose to fly back today rather than on Friday.

“Ouch, lover. You didn’t keep my thirtieth birthday free? It’s like you don’t even care about me now that you’re married.” I manage to sound casual, but I’m pretty hurt.

“Well, considering you’ve barely been speaking to me lately, I thought you wouldn’t mind,” Heather says and blows a kiss at the screen.

Well, I suppose that’s kind of fair. With everything that’s been going on, I haven’t talked to her. I don’t think I can recall a time in the past when a call or message from Heather would go unanswered by me. It’s happened countless times over the last three weeks. It doesn’t mean that I don’t want to see her and Harrison on my birthday, though.

“I’ve been busy in Seattle, but happy birthday to me, I guess,” I manage a casual laugh and roll my eyes at her, then ask, “Any of myreal friendswant to catch up tonight?”

“Sorry, Seb, I've got a meeting with an agent about my book.” Ariana blushes as she says it.

“Your book?” Lita asks.

“Yeah, I started writing it years ago, and now a literary agent wants to meet me.”

I remember her always hiding away and writing during theCards Have Been Dealttour, and I know this is a big dream of hers, so I’m really happy for her.

“That’s awesome, Ariana,” I grin at her. “Okay, I accept your reasoning; it’s a far more acceptable excuse than seeing yourparentsonmybirthday.”

“Thanks, I’m sorry we can’t hang out. Could we do something tomorrow, since Heather and Harrison are free?” she suggests.

“Sure.” I nod at her. I guess a belated birthday celebration will have to do. “Okay, Hayden, are you my friend?”

There’s a moment before he replies in the affirmative, and for that second, I think that he’s also going to bail on me. “Sounds good, Seb. Blake and I are free, and I’m happy to be your one and only friend on your birthday.”

“Hey, I’m his friend too!” Lita objects with a laugh, and I look at her, grateful that I have her in my life.

“True,” Hayden agrees. “I’m happy to be your second friend on your birthday.”

“We should consider starting a new band,” I say slowly, as though it’s a real idea I’ve just had. “We can call it ‘Real Friends and Not Douches Who Don’t Celebrate Birthdays.’”

“Sounds catchy; I’ll have to come see you two in concert,” Harrison says with a laugh.

“You’ll have to buy a ticket,” I warn him. “Neither Hayden nor I will be able to get you in.”

“Understood. I’ll have to set an alarm so that I can buy tickets before the scalpers snatch them all up.”

“Where can I get myself an RFANDWDCB shirt, Sebastian?” Ariana asks.

“I’ll set up an online merch store as soon as I get the chance, Ariana,” Lita tells her and laughs.

God, I’ve missed them all so much. Stupid jokes like this and hanging out with them. I can’t wait to get home.

I shake my head and tell them, “I’ve missed you guys.”

“We’ve missed you too,” Ariana says. “Can we definitely catch up tomorrow?”