Page 174 of Sebastian's Baby

Lita angles her phone to me, and I read the thread.

Why is Seb still in Seattle?

I really don’t like Lolita. I get that she’s having his baby, but she should move to Chicago, not make Seb move there.

I’ve always shipped him and Heather, and I still think they’re perfect for each other. It’s so dumb. Is he even going to see her for his birthday? Probably not because Lolita made him go to Seattle.

I shake my head at someone having such strong opinions on my life, considering they have absolutely zero idea why I’ve been here.

Lita grins at me and says in a good-natured tone, “They think I’m trying to break up the band.”

“Yoko Ono, right here.” I wink at her, glad that she hasn’t taken their criticism of her to heart.

“I’m glad we’re going back to Chicago this weekend, though. It’ll be good to see everyone again.”

“Yeah, it has been a while,” I agree, then I realize I’ve been in Seattle for three weeks. “Wow, I don’t think I’ve actually gone this long without seeing the guys in years.”

“Not even when you went on holidays or anything?”

“Nope. Sometimes we holiday together, anyway. The longest might have been a few weeks like this.”

I try to remember the last time I was away from everyone for this long, and I actually can’t think of it off the top of my head. We’re just always together or in the same city, at least.

“I’m sorry you’ve had to be here with me,” Lita says quietly while looking at the carpet in front of us.

“Oh, no, Lita.” I tilt her chin up so I can look in her beautiful eyes, which are filled with guilt. “I didn’t mean it like that. I have absolutely no regrets about being with you. I love my friends, and I love my family, but you and Mira are my priority. Always.”

“Thanks. I know everything is fucked up and complicated with us, but I’m glad that we can still be friends, and I know that I couldn’t have gotten through any of this without you.”

“Well, technically, you wouldn’t be going through any of this without me,” I tease her.

“True,” Lita laughs.

I drop my hand to her bump with a smile at her as we talk about the plans for our travel to Chicago today. After about five minutes, my phone starts ringing on the coffee table. I look over and grin when I see that it’s a video call from the guys. I show the screen to Lita, then settle next to her again as I answer the call.

“Hey, guys,” I grin at them.

I’m excited to see my friends again, and seeing their faces on the screen makes me happy because I’ve missed them more than I realized.

When I answer the call, there’s a chorus of, “Happy birthday, Seb.”

I’m amused that none of them have sung to me, and I tease them, “Wait, I get a call from my bandmates, and nobody even sings ‘Happy Birthday’ to me? What kind of musicians are you guys?”

Hayden laughs. “The kind that calls you to give you birthday wishes and don’t even get a ‘thank you’ in response, apparently.”

“Honestly, Seb, why are we even friends with you?” Heather asks.

“Well, we all know whyyou’refriends with me, lover,” I smirk at her.

“Yeah, why’s that?” She raises an eyebrow as she asks it.

“I’m led to believe that I give you amazing sex,” I tell her with a wicked grin.

Harrison laughs. “I’ve heard that too.”

“Okay, well,asidefrom the sex you give me, I don’t know why.” Heather laughs as well. “But seriously, happy birthday, and hi, Lita!” Heather waves at the screen. “What are you guys up to today?”

“Hi, guys,” Lita says with a smile.