Page 166 of Sebastian's Baby

I definitely hope that it’s a boy because I would love for Lita to owe me fifty thousand kisses. She, however, shakes her head at me and pulls out her phone to send me a text.

It’s so embarrassing when you say shit like that in public.

I grin at her, then pull out my phone just as her message comes through to text her back.

Does it matter what people think? Also, are you taking my bet?

Yeah, it matters. I’m still getting used to this, Seb. Sure, why not. I think it’s a girl, and I could use the $50k to pay my overbearing landlord.

I laugh, put my arm around her, and hug her quickly before replying.

Deal. Sebastian Junior is one lucky boy!

We agreed on Cletus, didn’t we?

I try to think of the craziest name we could give our baby and grin to myself as I write my text to her.

I thought we could go with Tchaikovsky as a name for him.

Lita actually bursts into laughter as she reads it, and her name is called by the same sonographer that scanned her last time.

Kim leads us to a different room, but it’s the same setup as at her last appointment. Lita climbs onto the bed, and I can’t wait to see the baby again. I don’t know if I’m hoping for it to be a boy or a girl, to be honest. I don’t really care which it is, but I guess a boy would be better because I want those kisses from Lita. She keeps her promises, always. So I wouldn’t put it past her to actually keep a tally of how many times she kisses me until she pays off her debt.

I’m highly amused by this thought as Kim says, “Okay, let’s have a look in there, guys.”

She puts the wand on Lita’s stomach, and the screen lights up. Lita gasps as she looks at the screen.

“Look how big it is; it’s a real baby,” she says, the amazement obvious in her voice.

My heart throbs painfully because I love her so much, and I love how much she loves our baby, too.

I chuckle and tell her, “You’re so cute, princess.”

“Yup, it’s definitely a baby,” Kim agrees.

“Is it a boy or a girl? We’ve got a bet going,” I tell her.

“I have some important measurements to do today. If you really want to know, though, we can look now.” Kim smiles and winks at me.

“Yes, please!” I grin at her, eager to find out the winner of our bet.

Kim laughs, then moves the wand around a bit. After about thirty seconds, she freezes the picture on the screen and turns to look at us.

“Do you see it?” Kim asks us.

I’m staring at the screen, trying to see what she’s talking about. The picture is dark, and I see three lines, but nothing obvious that gives me the answer as to who has won our bet.

“Um, nope. I can’t see anything.” Lita shakes her head.

“Exactly,” Kim says, giving us a knowing smile.

I realize what she’s telling us and gasp. “It’s a girl?”

“Yes,” Kim confirms I’m right, then points out how she knows.

“We’re having a girl,” Lita says quietly.

I stare at the screen and then look down at Lita’s bump. Our baby girl is in there, and I love her so much already. I have tears in my eyes as I imagine a future where I’m pushing a little girl with brown hair and eyes on a swing as she laughs a beautiful melodic laugh.