Page 152 of Sebastian's Baby

I look directly at Lita. She doesn’t want me, and she wants me to fuck other women.


Well, if that’s what she wants, then fine. I’ll give her what she wants. I keep her gaze as I continue my speech.

“He fell in love with her, and she loved him right back, which must be really nice. I don’t know what to do now; Harrison’s married, Gabriel’s married, even Hayden has a boyfriend. My point is, ladies…”

I break my eye contact with Lita to allow my gaze to roam the room as I give my best rock star smile to everyone.

“I’m the last remaining single member of Cruise Control. Feel free to hit me up if you want to continue the party in my hotel room later.”

I give everyone a meaningful wink before I lift up my half-empty glass of whisky, rather than the champagne we’ve been using for the toasts.

“Congratulations, Gabriel and Ariana!”

I drain the whisky and look at Lita again as I sit back down. She promptly bursts into tears, looking as broken as I feel, but I can’t bring myself to feel guilty through the amount of pain I’m in.

“What the fuck, Sebastian?” Heather explodes.

I cross my arms across my chest and turn to look at her. “What, lover?”

“Don’t you fucking ‘lover’ me. That was a shitty thing to do.” She glares at me.

I shrug. “I was just giving a heartfelt speech to toast my friends’ big day.”

“I don’t appreciate you using your speech at my wedding to upset Lita,” Gabriel says in a cool tone.

“Oh, no. She’s leaving,” Ariana says in a sad voice.

I look over to see she’s right. Lita is clutching her phone tightly in her hand and hurrying out of the room.

“We have to go after her. We can’t just let her go.” Ariana frowns and looks at Gabriel.

“Ari, it’s going to look bad if any of us go running after her. Lita might not want that attention.”

“He’s right, Ariana. She just sent me a text and said to tell you guys she’s sorry she had to leave, but also not to do it if it’s going to cause drama.” Heather glares at me. “You’re such an asshole, sometimes. Why the fuck would you do that?”

I give a humorless laugh. “You’re not the first person to call me an asshole, Heather Fletcher, and you won’t be the last. I’ve told you that I don’t want to talk to you about Lita, and I meant it. This is between her and me.”

“It’s not between you and Lita when you put it on display for every man and his dog at Gabriel’s wedding, though, Seb,” Hayden says in a cold voice.

I turn to see him glaring at me and shrug. “You’re right, of course, Hayden. It’s not between Lita and me because there isnothingbetween her and me. She’s having my baby, and that’s it. Well, this has been a real fun chat, guys, but I’m all out of whisky, and I need to find someone to fuck just like my baby mama told me to do.”

I push my chair back, then stand up and stride away while ignoring Harrison when he calls, “Sebastian!”

I head to the bar and slide onto a stool in front of it as I order another whisky. A part of me wants to run after Lita and beg for her forgiveness, but it’s buried deep under the part of me that is stinging from her rejection.

“I don’t love you like that, and I don’t want to be in a relationship with you.”

She said exactly that this morning. So why the fuck should she care if I fuck someone else tonight?Sheis the one who dropped the ground rule.Sheis the one who said I should fuck other people.

A hot blonde woman wearing a tight pink dress slides onto the stool next to me. “Nice speech, Mr. Last-single-member-of-Cruise-Control.”

I pick my drink up and turn to look at the woman.

She’s not Lita.

But Lita doesn’t want me or my love.