Page 149 of Sebastian's Baby

He laughs and says, “Oh man, Ness bitches about pregnancy hormones whenever she’s pregnant.”

“How often is she pregnant?” Lita asks, sounding alarmed.

“Oh, she only has three kids.” Hayden laughs. “Sorry, I worded that poorly.”

Lita’s entire body goes rigid, and she does a little intake of breath.

I’m worried something is wrong with the baby, so I ask, “What’s wrong, princess?”


I look around and see him nearby, glare at his profile, then turn to Lita and say, “I’ve told him not to even think about coming near you. Let me know if he does.”

I put my arm around her to give her a quick hug before I let her go. I want to hold her, but we should have a discussion about everything, clear the air as well as the path forward for us.

“Want me to punch him for you, Lita? I’ll do it if you want me to.” Hayden grins at her.

Lita laughs and then frowns. “Okay, for real, if you guys dislike him so much, why is he still your manager? He’s such a dick.”

“He’s very good at his job. Plus…contracts. We’re tied to him for”—Hayden looks at me for a second as he thinks about it—“another two years, almost?”

“Yeah, we signed with him again in 2018 for five more years,” I agree.

“Well, that sucks, but if he’s good at his job…ugh. Anyway, I don’t condone violence, Hayden, but if I want him punched, I’ll do it myself.” Lita winks at him.

Hayden laughs. “I actually believe that. Anyone who can stand up to Seb can probably handle Cooper just fine.”

One of the photographers’ assistants comes over after another minute or so and asks Hayden and me to go with him for the bridal party photos. We’re led over to the group our friends are standing in before we’re taken through the hotel. As we walk through the lobby, people stare at us, and a few people snap pictures as we head through to the pool area.

They have us stand under some willow trees to have our photos taken. Gabriel and Ariana get some first; then Harrison, Hayden, and I have pictures taken with Gabriel before Ariana has them taken with Heather, Charlotte, and Dina. Then, we have some group photos taken. In between sessions, we snack on some food that’s been provided and drink champagne.

While the photos are being taken, the photographers’ assistants start rounding up family members, and by the time we’re done, Gabriel and Ariana’s family are hovering nearby.

“Okay, we’re going to get everyone in for a group shot,” the photographer says.

He and the assistants start grouping everyone into the photo, but Ariana frowns and starts looking around before she asks, “Where’s Lita?”

“Huh?” I ask, thinking she’s talking to me. “I left her inside.”

“Not you,” she says with a quick smile before looking past me at one of the photographer’s assistants. “Lita Ciccone. I added her to the list of family members at our last meeting. I don’t see her.”

I’m surprised by this because I wasn’t expecting it.

He looks down at his list and shakes his head. “Nope. Not on the list.”

“Well, we need her. She’s family, and we need her in these pictures,” Ariana tells him.

“Okay, I’ll go get her. Lita Ciccone, you said?”

Ariana nods, and he pulls a pen out of his pocket and writes on his list. I turn to Ariana and smile at her.

“You’re having Lita in the family photos?” I raise an eyebrow at her.

Gabriel grins at me. “Well, she’s pregnant with your baby, and we couldn’t not have Sebastian Fox’s baby in our wedding photos.”

I feel a flush of pride at the fact that Lita and my baby will be in these photographs. I also love that my friends have accepted her. Something about this gesture of inviting her to be in these pictures solidifies her position in our lives.

“There she is!” Ariana calls as she points across the pool area after a couple of minutes.