Ariana takes the microphone and smiles at Gabriel before she starts speaking.
“Gabriel Christopher Knight,you’re my soulmate. Being with you is so much easier than being without you. I love that you love me. I love that I know that you love me. With everything that is within me, I am certain of that. I promise to never leave you.”
I can’t help but chuckle to myself at the thought.
“I promise to never make you write an album about me that’s so good you win another Grammy. Only terrible albums about how happy and in love you are from here on out.”
This makes me laugh out loud, along with a lot of the other wedding guests. I look over at Lita to see her reaction, because I know she lovesHeart Wide Open,and she’s laughing as well.
“I promise that I will be the woman who is by your side on the wildest rides, but I will also be the woman who is by your side on the mildest rides. The ones that are boring and long and that nobody ever wants to go on, because those are the ones where I know that you’ll need me the most.
“I will ride those rides with you every day for the rest of our lives because I love you, Gabriel. Always and forever.”
I’m so happy for Gabriel and Ariana, and they’re staring into each other’s eyes with lovestruck looks on their faces. I look over at Lita again to see that she has tears streaming down her face, and Mom hands her another tissue. The rest of the ceremony passes quickly, and it isn’t long before the celebrant pronounces them husband and wife. Everyone cheers when they kiss and make their way down the aisle together. I smile at Lita as I follow Harrison and Heather, with Charlotte on my arm.
“It was a beautiful wedding, wasn’t it?” Charlotte asks me.
I nod at her and smile. “Yeah, it was.”
We reach the back of the room, and I hug Ariana. “Congratulations, Ariana Knight.”
“Thanks, Seb.” She beams at me, looking incredibly happy.
I hug Gabriel as well and say, “I’m so happy for you.”
“Thank you. It’s been a long road, but it was worth traveling it,” he says as he hugs me back.
I move out of the way because the guests are making their way toward where we’re standing, and there’s a queue of people who want to congratulate Gabriel and Ariana.
I think about Gabriel’s words. The road was worth traveling for them, and they’re here today, happy and in love. I seek out Lita in the crowd and see she’s near the back. We’re having a baby together, and I love her. I need to know if there’s some way she thinks we could be together.
We’re bonded over our baby and she does love me, plus she enjoys having sex with me. Maybe, in time, she could fallin lovewith me if she gives it a chance? I’ll have to find the time to talk to her about it today.
I watch her as she finally makes it to Gabriel and Ariana to congratulate them, and as soon as she starts to move on, I take her hand and pull her over to an empty space by the wall.
“Hey, princess. I saw your pregnancy hormones getting the better of you during the ceremony.” I grin at her.
“Oh my god, it was so embarrassing. Ariana’s vows were so sweet, though. I’m so happy for them.” Lita smiles at me.
I think again about what Gabriel said. It was a long road, but worth traveling. Am I on the road to happiness with Lita? God, I hope so.
I tell her, “Yeah, they’re pretty lucky to be here today. I definitely didn’t think they’d make it, once upon a time.”
Lita nods, and then frowns as she turns to look at the string musicians. She listens to the soft music they’re playing for a few seconds before her expression clears, and she smiles brightly at me.
“Sleeping Beauty Waltz,” she says.
“Classical music fan?”
“Yeah, a bit, but also a big fan of animated kids’ films,” Lita laughs.
I chuckle, and we stand together in silence for a few minutes. She hums along quietly to the music and sways slightly. I’m entranced by watching her, and I think about what I want to say to her later, but I’m distracted when Hayden comes to join us.
“Having fun, Lita?” he asks.
“Yeah, except for my pregnancy hormones making me cry like a baby during the ceremony.”