“Of course, bello. I’ll save her a seat.” She smiles at me.
I hug her and say, “Thanks.”
I walk back out of the row of seats to the aisle. The ballroom is decorated with lush greenery everywhere, mixed with lilac-colored flowers. It’s giving the room the feeling of a garden wedding despite the fact that we’re indoors. There’s even a small pool in the corner of the room and Gabriel is standing near a gazebo, which is covered in more greenery and flowers.
I walk up to my friends and grin at Gabriel. “If you want to back out, now’s your chance.”
“I thought about it. Maybe Ariana and I could just go to Vegas instead.”
“I’malwaysdown for a Vegas trip,” I tell him. “Want me to see if she’s up for the idea?”
He laughs, but it’s occurred to me that I haven’t sent Ariana a text today. So I pull out my phone and send her one.
I just wanted to wish you good luck for today.
It’s not long before I get a reply.
Thanks, Seb. I’ll see you soon. Tell Gabriel I love him.
I look up and smile wickedly at him. “Ariana says to tell you she’s very sorry, but she’s got a bout of gastro and won’t be coming today. She hopes it’s not too much of an inconvenience, but she’d appreciate it if you could reschedule to tomorrow.”
“Well, that’s a shame. Should I wait until everyone is here to announce that the wedding has been delayed?” He pulls a thoughtful face.
I nod at him. “I would. It’s best to deliver the news all at once. Also, there’s a possibility her gastro will magically clear up, and she’ll arrive after all. Who knows?”
We’re both laughing when Hayden says, “Seb, Lita’s here, and she looks like she doesn’t know where to go.”
I turn at once to see her, and she takes my breath away. She’s wearing a gold, glittery dress that falls to the floor and has long sleeves. It’s well-fitted and hugs her curves, showing off her baby bump, and I’ve never seen her look more beautiful than she does right now. Her hair is braided from one side of her head to the other where she’s tied it in a ponytail.
I love her so much.
She’s hovering at the back of the room, looking nervous, so I stride down the aisle, ignoring the curious looks from the guests that have already arrived, and I stop when I’m in front of her. What happened between us this morning and over the last week hangs in the air, and I try to remember that I’m going to treat her like any of my other family and friends.
It doesn’t work, though, because she’s not like any of my other family and friends. She’s Lolita Ciccone, the mother of my child, and the woman I love.
“Hey, princess, you look beautiful,” I tell her quietly while smiling at her.
“Hi, Seb. You look amazing. Look, about before—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
My smile disappears, and I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to have a good time today and pretend that everything is okay.
“You never do. We don’t need to talk about it, though. You’ve made your position perfectly clear. Can’t we just…I don’t know, forget about everything, and enjoy Gabriel and Ariana’s wedding?”
“I can leave if you want. Would you prefer that?” Lita asks.
I sigh because this is the very last thing I would ever want, and it’s just another reminder that Lita doesn’t feel she holds the position in my life that she does.
“No, princess, I wouldn’t. We’re not together, but you’re still the mother of my child. You’re my family, whether you like it or not. You belong here today as much as the rest of my family does.”
“Okay, I’ll stay then.” Lita smiles at me, and it lights up her face, making her even more beautiful.
“Will you dance with me later, too?” I ask as I smile back at her.
“I suppose I can do that.” Lita shrugs.
“Good. Come with me; you can sit with my family, where you belong.”
I take her hand in mine and stroke her skin with my thumb. It’s comforting and familiar, reminding me of how much I love her presence in my life. I just wish I didn’t love her, though. Or that she loved me.