Page 142 of Sebastian's Baby

As soon as we’re alone, Hayden asks, “How come Lita is here? I thought she was staying at your place last night?”

“She had a pretty bad nightmare last night.” I cringe as I remember it.

“She had a bad dream? That’s it?” Harrison asks, looking confused.

“Apparently, the hormones give her really vivid dreams. She called me at about three in the morning, and she was so upset she was crying, so I got her to take an Uber here because I was worried about her being alone.”

Hayden and Harrison exchange a glance, then Harrison asks, “How are things with you two?”

“She still doesn’t love me. Trust me, she makes thatveryclear to me. I did warn her that I would try to fuck her as often as I can, though.” I smirk at them.

“Given how I found you two this morning, I’m assuming you had some success last night.” Hayden gives me a wry grin.

“I would never kiss and tell.”

I wink at him, and he laughs as Gabriel and Lita approach our table.

“What are you nervous about? Ariana loves you like crazy,” Lita says to Gabriel as they take their seats again.

Harrison laughs. “There’s plenty to be nervous about still. I was worried that I’d say something stupid, or thatHeather would—”

“Say something stupid?” I ask him with a wicked grin. “Because that would be a real concern.”

“No, Sebastian.” Harrison rolls his eyes at me. “I was going to say that I was worried she might trip and hurt herself walking down the aisle or something.”

“She’d be more likely to say something stupid, though,” I laugh.

“He’s not wrong,” Gabriel says in a stage-whisper, glancing from Harrison to Lita.

“You guys do know that I’m going to tell her about this conversation if Harrison doesn’t, right?” Lita asks us with a smirk on her face. “Sisters before misters!”

Hayden laughs and says to her, “Please note that I never said a single bad word about Heather. I would never imply that she has ever once in her life spoken before she thought about what she was going to say first. She is wonderful and charming and definitely the best wife that Harrison has ever had.”

“Noted, Hayden. I will make sure that Heather knows all of that.” Lita winks at him.

We’re all laughing as Hayden, Harrison, and I head over to the buffet to get ourselves some breakfast. I get a decent helping of bacon and eggs, as well as some toast and a coffee, before taking my plate and drink back to the table with the other guys.

When we’re nearby, I hear Lita say, “You’re pretty amazing, Gabriel Knight. How do you get to be as famous as you are, look as good as you do, and not be a complete dick?”

Gabriel tells her, “My sisters wouldn’t let me get a big head. Most of our families force us to stay grounded. I’m probably worse when I’m on tour because they’re not there to bring me down to earth, but on theHeart Wide Opentour, Heather would visit us and tell me to pull my head in.”

We all laugh because it’s true. Heather really did tell us we were being dicks on more than a few occasions, and we continue the conversation as we finish our meals. It’s nice having Lita here with us for this breakfast, and she fits right in with my friends, which I like. After about half an hour, Harrison looks at his watch.

“We’ve only got an hour before the photographer meets us in Gabriel’s suite for the getting ready photographs,” he informs us.

“Really?” I ask, and Harrison nods. “Well, if that’s the case, I’d better take Lita upstairs and…” I trail off, unable to think of an excuse to take Lita back to my hotel room.

“Help her into the dress that Heather made for her?” Gabriel suggests with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, that’s it,” I nod and smirk at him. “It’s very difficult to put on, or so I’ve been told.”

“Such a helpful guy,” Harrison laughs. “Just make sure that you’re in Gabriel’s suite in an hour, or I’ll come get you myself.”

I salute Harrison as Lita and I stand to leave the table. We make our way out of the restaurant and into the elevator.

“How was that, princess? Not too awkward?” I ask her as the elevator makes its way up to my floor.

“No, Seb.” Lita gives me a breathtaking smile. “It was fine. They’re all really nice. I didn’t even really have any fangirl moments, either.”