He grimaces and asks, “You don’t remember?”
“No, I don’t.” I shake my head, wondering what I said or did.
“You brought up me drinking a lot when Heather and I were broken up. You also told Jake that you and Heather have sex behind my back, and I’ve heard no end of it from him this week.”
I feel terrible for bringing up his drinking, because I know that was a very sensitive topic. Heather was really worried about him at the time. Hell, we all were. I’m such a dick for mentioning it.
‘I’m so sorry, Harrison. Well, not about the Jake stuff”—I smirk at him—“except that it’s had blowback on you, sorry about that. The other stuff”—I suck in a breath of air and shake my head—“that was out of line.”
“It’s fine. I accept your apology. I know you were having a bad day.” He smiles at me.
“Uh, yeah, you could say that.” I grimace as I remember the plane, and Lita’s words come to my mind.
“I can’t love you the way you want me to.”
“How are things?” he asks as Gabriel comes over and hands us drinks.
I shrug my shoulders. “It is what it is. I basically get what I always wanted, which is to fuck whoever I want whenever I want, and still have a good friendship with Lita.” I don’t want to talk about it, so I look at Gabriel and ask, “Hey, do I owe you an apology for the bachelor party?”
“I don’t think so?” He frowns at me.
“Hayden said I did.” I raise my eyebrows, and we all turn to look at him.
“His speech. The game’s ready,” he says.
“Oh, yeah,” Gabriel laughs. “I wasn’t upset. You just said that Ariana leaving the way she did was really shitty. I was pretty drunk on Saturday, so I didn’t really care.”
We walk over to the table where Hayden has set up the poker game and take seats. I get pretty competitive when we play poker, so I’m annoyed when I have to fold the first few hands because my cards are shit.
I look at Gabriel and ask, “You guys are all sorted for the honeymoon?”
“Yup. Thanks again for letting us go to Galena after the wedding. Private plane is booked for Wednesday to fly to Venice.” He smiles at me.
“Not a problem.” I shrug my shoulders. “I’m happy to help.”
Even with flying via private plane, they wanted to let some of the attention die down before they fly to Italy for their honeymoon. I offered my place rather than some hotel where they’d still have attention on them.
I’m excited when I get dealt pocket aces, and I win the hand with three-of-a-kind aces against Hayden’s two-pair of aces and eights. We keep drinking as we play, and Harrison is the first one knocked out by Hayden. He is, in turn, knocked out by Gabriel. It’s an hour and a half later that I convince him to go all-in when I have a straight flush. He groans when I turn my cards over and throws his cards down on the table to show he had an ace-high flush.
“I’m the best poker player in the world,” I declare.
“You should go pro,” Harrison laughs.
“Good idea.” I grin at him. “When’s the World Series of Poker on? I bet I could win!”
“Almost certainly. I’ll go cheer you on,” Hayden tells me with a grin.
“Are we going to eat soon? I’m starving.” Harrison looks at Gabriel.
“Sure. The hotel said I didn’t have to make any reservations at the hotel downstairs. We can just go down whenever we want to eat.”
“At the ‘hotel’ downstairs?” Hayden laughs.
Gabriels laughs as well and says, “I meant the restaurant. Yeah. The restaurant.”
Harrison and I laugh as well as we leave the suite, teasing Gabriel about what he said. The bodyguards escort us to the hotel restaurant. It’s some kind of steakhouse, and I’m reminded of Lita wanting a Kobe beef steak. I should take her to Japan.
Oh, wait, she doesn’t want me to do that.