“Fair call. I have no regrets about getting involved with you, though,” I say and laugh.
I lean over and rub her baby bump with one of my hands. I’ve learned that Lita won’t stop me from doing this, and I’m glad because it’s nice to feel the place where our baby is growing. I sit back up and pick up my coffee to take a sip. We sit in silence, and it’s nice to just have her here with me.
Heather’s coming over soon to take Lita to Serenity and get her dress. I haven’t spoken to Heather since last Sunday, so that should be interesting. She didn’t reply to my text, and neither of us has called the other. Harrison has suggested a couple of times that I contact her, but I don’t want to.
I look at Lita, who’s staring into the distance with a frown on her face before she gasps, “Oh my god.”
“What’s wrong, princess?” I ask, worried that something has happened with the baby.
She looks up at me with her mouth open in shock. “I just felt the baby, Seb!”
I blink at her. Our baby? She felt it move? I’m overwhelmed with how much I love them both, and I grin at her.
“Really? What does it feel like?”
“Kind of like I have butterflies in my stomach. Except, I’m not nervous, so it’s not that—just these tiny little butterflies. Oh, I love our baby so much, Seb.” Lita sighs and closes her eyes as she places her hands on her bump.
I move closer to her on the sofa and kiss the top of her head. “I’m glad that I was here with you when it happened.”
I really am, and I’m devastated when I realize how much I’ll miss out on when she and the baby are living in Seattle without me
“Me too,” Lita says, and we both look down at her phone when it lights up with a text from Heather.
I’m on my way over. I’ll see you soon.
It isn’t long at all before the elevator doors open, and Heather walks into the apartment, followed by her bodyguard, Callum Archer. She looks at me straight away before diverting her gaze to Lita, and I’m amused by her reaction.
“Hi, darling.” Heather smiles at Lita and walks over to the sofa, past me, before leaning down to give her a hug.
“No hug for me, lover?” I ask with a grin.
Heather turns to look at me and raises an eyebrow. “I don’t know, Sebastian Fox. The last time we spoke, you hung up on me, then called me ‘Heather’ in a text, and I haven’t heard from you since. I’m also led to believe that you’ve been off fucking even more women since then, so I don’t even know what to say to you.”
I laugh because it’s kind of strange for Heather not to be involved in every aspect of my life, and I suggest, “You could say that you love me, and you’ll forgive me because you understand that my relationship with Lita is none of your business, and who I sleep with is between me and her, no one else.”
“Except that I don’t think I will say that,” Heather shrugs. “Because I’m the one that Lita is texting while you’re out all night fucking randoms.”
I cringe at her words because it hurts to know that Lita is texting Heather about me. There’s something about her involving Heather when I don’t want Heather involved in our shit that sucks. I’d prefer it to be anyone but Heather.
“That’s not fair. Lita and I have an agreement; I can sleep with whoever I want, and she’s going to find a boyfriend to move into the apartment with her,” I point out.
Heather narrows her eyes at me. “I see. Should we discuss this later, or do you want to do this now?”
“Go ahead,Heather Fletcher,” I emphasize her name heavily. “There’s nothing that you can’t say to me in front of my baby mama.”
“Okay,Sebastian Fox.” She gives my name the same treatment. “I love you a lot, but I don’t like you very much right now. You told Lita that you’re in love with her, then you went off and fucked someone else—”
“And she told me to do it,” I remind her.
“I don’t give a shit what she told you to do. You’re a grown-ass adult with a brain in your head—or so I thought. You haven’t spoken to me all week. If you had, I’d have told you not to bean idiot.”
“I haven’t spoken to you because I already told you that I didn’t want or need your opinion on this, and you didn’t reply to my text.” I shrug at her.
We glare at each other, and years of history flows between us. Me loving her even though I shouldn’t have. Her loving me, but not the way I wanted. Me treating her like a pseudo girlfriend and allowing her to run my life in the absence of ever having an actual relationship.
Finally, she sighs heavily and rolls her eyes at me. “Come on, Seb, that text was bait, and you know it. You called me fucking ‘Heather.’”
“It’s yourname,” I point out, but I grin at her.