I tell Vincent, “Okay, Lita’s fine to come see those three tonight. I’d be happy to put an offer on any of them.”
“That’s excellent, Mr. Fox,” he says with a big grin at me.
I head back to the apartment, but I only enter the room Lita’s working in to let her know I’m back, then I leave her to work. I tell myself that it’s because I want to leave her in peace, but it’s mostly because this is all too hard.
I’m sitting in the living room watching Netflix when my phone lights up, and Hayden’s name is on the screen.
“Hey, Hayden. What’s up?” I say when I answer the phone.
“I was just wondering how you’re doing. I haven’t heard much from you this week, and Saturday was…interesting.”
I cringe and then sigh. I don’t want to talk about this. Not with Heather. Not with Hayden. Not with anyone, really. Lita is busy preparing for a life without me, and I’m going to be left on the outskirts of my child’s life while the woman I love has a relationship with another man.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve just been looking for apartments here in Seattle. How are things there?”
He doesn’t respond immediately, then he says, “Seb. I don’t really believe you. You were trashed on Saturday night. You basically offended anyone you spoke to. You went through the paparazzi to get to the hotel.”
I cringe, but say casually, “I don’t really remember much of that. Sorry if I offended you, though.”
“You didn’t offend me, but you should apologize to Harrison and probably Gabriel as well.”
Yeesh. What the fuck did I say? Harrison didn’t mention it earlier, though, so it can’t have been too bad.
“Cool. Well, we’re going to see apartments, so I’d better go. I’ll talk to you later.”
I end the call and stare at my phone. Lita’s still working, so I don’t need to go any time soon, but I didn’t want to talk to Hayden anymore. I sigh and pick up the remote to turnLuciferback on. Maybe I should buy a nightclub. Then I could fuck all the women I want…except the one I actually want to fuck, of course.
This depressing thought is in my mind while I watch the show until eventually Lita appears, finished with work for the day and ready to go look at the apartments. Vincent arrives shortly after that, and Benjamin has the evening off, so Daryl drives us out apartment hunting.
Lita sits in the backseat of the black SUV between Vincent and me. Her warmth and floral scent torment me, but I enjoy being near her again.
“I think you’ll like the apartments that Sebastian has chosen,” Vincent says with a smile at Lita.
“I’m sure,” Lita says and rolls her eyes. “They all looked wonderful, and they’d want to be for the small fortune that Sebastian is going to spend on one of them.”
I can’t help but laugh at her honesty because most people wouldn’t say this to the real estate agent’s face. “Don’t hold back, princess, tell us what you really think.”
“I think that these apartments are ridiculously expensive, but I also think that I’m forced to admit that we need it for the security aspect and that I was crazy to ever get involved with you, but that last part isn’t necessarily to do with the apartment hunting.” She pokes her tongue out at me.
I raise an eyebrow at her. “Well, I guess that I’m lucky you’re crazy, huh?”
“I guess you are.”
She smiles at me, and she’s so beautiful. As much as I hate the way I’m feeling, I’m never going to regret meeting her. I look down at her bump and smile, knowing that she has my baby safe and sound in there. It’s the one thing that’s good in all of this.
The first apartment we take her to is in a modern building. It’s all angles and stark contrasts. I kind of hate it, but I thought Lita might like it, and it has good security. She walks quickly through it, and I follow her while Vincent waits by the entrance for us.
“Nope,” she shrugs at me when we’re standing in the master bedroom by the windows with a pretty amazing view of Seattle.
“Are you sure?”
“Doyoulike it?” Lita asks shrewdly as she looks up at me.
“Well, okay, not that much; I just wanted to see if you did. There’s one of the three that I’m excited about, but I didn’t want to force you into the one I liked.” I admit with a smile.
“So, you brought me to see a trash apartment to make me like the one you want instead?” Lita narrows her eyes at me, looking suspicious, and I laugh.
“Maybe. Actually, I just figured that you’re a programmer, so maybe you’d like this kind of place.”