I head back to my bedroom and lie back in the bed, thinking about her. I reach my hand into my pants to stroke my cock, closing my eyes, and I envisage the way she was looking at me just now. I imagine kissing her, then pushing her back onto the sofa and eating her out before fucking her. After I come, I clean up and hope to god that she takes me up on the offer of fucking on the flight back to Seattle today.
LEVEL 17.1 – Goldilocks and the Three Apartments
I wakein the guest bedroom in the Seattle apartment on Monday morning. When we got back here, I insisted that Lita take the master bedroom if she wants us to have separate rooms. I brought a suitcase back with me from Chicago, and I’m planning to stay here this week to find an apartment, then I’ll be back in Chicago after the wedding this weekend.
I’m still hurting from Saturday, and I don’t know how I’m meant to get over this. Every time I think about the plane, I feel humiliated. I gave Lita my love, and she didn’t want it. Now we need to figure out what we’re going to do going forward.
I get up and put a t-shirt and sweatpants on before heading to the kitchen, where I eat some toast and drink a coffee while looking at my phone. Heather has read my message from yesterday, but she hasn’t replied at all.
I check my emails and see one from Cooper telling us that Victor’s sentencing will be next week, and I cringe. Should I message Heather something? I open our messages and see my last one there sitting as read. Probably not. But I should send something to Harrison.
How are you doing? I saw Cooper’s email.
I know that I should probably go talk to Lita, so I lock my phone and slip it into the pocket of the sweatpants. I put my dishes in the dishwasher and make my way to the spare room that we set up as an office for her to use.
I find her sitting at her laptop, looking through her emails. She’s as beautiful as ever, and I can’t help but smile at her. “Hey there, princess, how has your morning been?”
“Hi, Seb. It’s been good.”
There’s a bed in this room, so I lay on it and stretch out with my hands behind my head and my legs crossed at the ankles before asking, “Want to take a break with me?”
Lita sighs and shakes her head. “You know my answer already. Firstly, I’m meant to be working, and secondly, I told you that we couldn’t sleep together anymore.”
“Hey, you can’t blame a guy for trying when you look as sexy as you do.” I grin at her. “It’s okay; I can wait until you’re done working.”
Lita shakes her head, then spins to face her computer. I watch her work for a few minutes, fascinated to see a frown come over her face before she pulls up a bunch of code on the screen that means nothing to me, but must mean something to her because she starts searching through and typing different things.
Just being in her presence is soothing and I find this so very weird. I kind of want to talk about what happened, but we did that yesterday, and I guess I need to just get the fuck over her or something. I don’t want to, though. She’s having my baby, and I’m in love with her.
How did I do this with Heather? I mean, I’ve spent the last fourteen years being as close to her as I am without fucking her. Maybe that was just a practice run for the big time when I’d have to do it one day with the mother of my child?
I push aside the depressing thought of spending the next eighteen years tied to Lita while fucking other women and pretending they’re her and pull out my phone instead. Harrison has replied to my text.
Okay. I hope he gets the maximum sentence and we never have to hear his name again.
I grimace because I doubt the paparazzi will ever let us forget what was done to us and write a reply to him.
Yeah, me too. Is Heather okay?
I see the three dots that show he’s typing come and go over the next minute before a reply appears.
She’s fine. You could text her and ask her yourself, though. Do you want to talk about what happened on Saturday?
Do I want to talk about what happened on Saturday? Probably not. I want to forget that Saturday ever happened. I look up at Lita, where she’s working in front of me. Yeah, it’s a bit hard to do that. I look back down at my phone and reply to Harrison.
Not really.
I flick out of my messages with Harrison and start to scroll through my social media feed. Heather has posted a picture on Instagram of her and Ariana. I almost comment, but then I remember that she didn’t reply to my text, so I don’t, and I continue to scroll instead.
After a couple of hours, Lita catches my attention when she pushes her chair back from her desk and stretches her arms up and back. Her breasts are pushed forward, and I have the strong urge to go over to her and play with them, but I don’t.
She turns around to look at me and grins. “Have you been sitting there the whole time, weirdo?”
“Yeah, but I haven’t been watching you the whole time.” I pause for a second, then tease her, “Just most of it.”