I call the Concierge and ask them to bring me some Aspirin, which arrives about ten minutes before my breakfast. By the time I’m almost finished it after eleven and my phone rings, I’m feeling a lot more human. The words ‘My Lover’ are on the screen, and I kind of think I spoke to Heather last night, but I’m not really sure.
“Hey lover, what does your sexy ass want this morning?” I ask with a grin on my face.
“What my sexy ass wants to know is where the hell you are and why Lita hasn’t heard from you today.”
I forgot that Heather would be with Lita at the bachelorette party. Just knowing that she’s somewhere there near Heather makes me miss her. I want to be with her, and I hate myself for wanting that.
“Has she told you what happened?” I ask, wondering how much Heather knows.
“Then why are you asking me this? I went to Gabriel’s bachelor party yesterday and took a chick back to a hotel. It was late, I was tired, and I didn’t particularly want to go back to the apartment. So, I stayed here instead.”
“Why the fuck are you doing this, Sebastian?” Heather demands, and for some reason, this gets on my nerves.
I realize that she thinks I fucked the woman. I didn’t mean to give her that impression, but I’m annoyed with Heather inserting herself into this. I told her at the radio event that I didn’t want her causing shit. Fuck knows things are complicated enough between Lita and me without Heather being involved.
“Do you mean the thing that she literally told me to do? I told her I’m in love with her, and she said to go fuck someone else,” I growl.
“You weren’t meant todoit, you dumbass. Neither of you seems to know what you should do, but it’s blatantly obvious that you should be together.”
I can’t speak. The pain is overwhelming. There is something about hearing the woman that I loved before telling me that I obviously need to be with the woman I love now when neither of them loved me back. That is too much to handle.
All I want is to be with Lita. It hasn’t been just since yesterday, either. She’s been on my mind since the day we met. I don’t need fuckingHeatherto tell me that I should be with her. Lita is the one who doesn’t want it, not me.
“Sebastian?” she prompts me.
I’m done with this shit. Fucking all of it. I’m over Heather getting involved. I guess I need to talk to Lita about what the fuck we’re going to do since we’re having a baby and she doesn’t love me. But whatever happens, Heather needs to stay the fuck out of it.
I tell her in cold anger, “I cannot stress enough how much this isnotyour business, Heather Fletcher. I let you overstep in my life a lot because I love you, but this is between Lita and me, no one else. You do not need to be involved. Tell Lita I’ll see her later, and we can talk.”
“No,” Heather snaps at me. “You can tell her your damn self since it’s so verynotmy business. I’m not going to be your messenger girl just because you’re too much of a pussy to contact the mother of your child after you’ve gone off to fuck someone else like an asshole.”
Fuck. Off.
I manage not to say it, but I’m furious and hurt because she seems to be taking a leaf out of Lita’s book and saying the things that will absolutely hurt me the most. I pull the phone away from my ear and end the call without another word. I’m tempted to block Heather’s number, but I decide against it.
I’m breathing heavily, and I’m gritting my teeth while fighting the strong urge to kick something. I open up my messages with Lita. Her last one is sitting there unanswered. I consider what to say, then type out a message.
I’ll be home later. We should probably talk.
It shows up that Lita has read the message and I look to see if she’ll write anything back, but she doesn’t. I watch her messages for a few minutes and try to eat some more of my breakfast, but it’s tasteless.
She’s obviously with Heather at the bachelorette party, and I’m so angry at Heather. I want a reaction from her. I want to start a fight, so I write a text to her as well.
I meant what I said, Heather. Stay out of it. I need to talk to Lita.
I get the notification that the message has been delivered, but it doesn’t show as read and I’m annoyed by that. I call Daryl and find out that he stayed in the hotel last night, which I kind of knew but wasn’t sure about. Then we check out and head home.
I walk through my empty apartment, hating it, and I open the door to the room Lita slept in and look inside. She’s made the bed, but I can see her things in the room, and it smells like her in here.
I shut my eyes and turn away from the room as an intense pain hits me. God, this is worse than I thought it would be. When did I become this person? The man who gets rejected by a woman and actually cares about it? I can count on one hand the number of women in my life who have rejected me. It has actually happened, but other than Heather, I haven’t cared. I just found someone else to take up space in my bed or on my cock.
Lita is irreplaceable.
It’s this thought that’s running through my mind as I head back to my living room and pour myself a glass of whisky. I sit down in front of my television and turn onThe Onyx Project. It’s a nice distraction from the pain I’m feeling, but I drink my whisky slowly because I’m still feeling very seedy after last night.