The woman kisses me, and I kiss her back, with no desire to do so.
“I can’t love you the way you want me to.”
Lita doesn’t want me. She would rather I fuck this woman than love her. I can barely stand the pain of that knowledge.
I drop my head to the woman’s ear and ask, “Want to get out of here?”
She smiles up at me as she nods, and I know that she’s beautiful, but she’s not Lita, who is the most beautiful woman in the world.
“I’ve accepted everything you’ve offered me, Sebastian, but I can’t accept this.”
But she doesn’t want me.
I consider where to take this woman. I could take her to a bathroom and fuck her there. But I’m over this club, and Lita wanted me to fuck someone, so there’s no reason I shouldn’t go to a hotel with her. Even if it means the paparazzi will see us leave.
I lead the brunette woman off the dancefloor and find Gabriel talking to Hayden with drinks in their hands in the VIP area.
“I’m leaving, guys. I hope you’ve had a great night, Gabriel.” I smile at him.
Gabriel and Hayden exchange glances and Hayden says, “You’releavingleaving?”
“Yeah, we’re going to go to a hotel.”
“The paparazzi will get your picture, Seb.” Hayden frowns at me.
“See if I give a shit,” I laugh.
I turn and leave, leading the brunette woman by the hand as we leave the club. Maybe I can just pretend she’s Lita.
Daryl appears and asks, “Where are we going, Mr. Fox?”
“Is there a hotel nearby?”
He blinks at me. “Probably. I can look.” We stop near the club entrance, and Daryl looks on his phone before saying, “There’s a hotel on the next block.”
As soon as we leave the club, the paparazzi see me with the brunette woman, who definitely doesn’t have a baby bump, and they go wild.
“Sebastian! Where’s Lolita?”
“Who’s the woman you’re with, Sebastian?”
She squeezes my hand tightly, and I want to let go. I don’t want to be with this woman at all.
“I can’t love you the way you want me to.”
The woman I want to be with doesn’t want me. She wants this. Well, I hope she fucking enjoys seeing these pictures of me and this woman. I hold my head up higher and ignore their questions as Daryl leads us across a street and into the Viceroy Chicago. The paparazzi seem positively gleeful when we enter the hotel.
“What does Lolita think of this, Sebastian?”
“Is she upstairs waiting for you?”
As soon as we’re inside the lobby, the brunette woman asks, “Who is Lolita?”
“The woman who’s having my baby,” I tell her, ignoring the stab of pain that even saying this causes. I force myself to grin at her, “But don’t worry, we’ll be using a condom.”
“Good to know,” she laughs.
I get us checked in, and Daryl escorts us upstairs, then heads to the room I booked for him. Finally, I’m alone with the woman. I take her to the bedroom of the suite and kiss her again. I miss Lita, and I wish this was her, so I pretend it is. It doesn’t work, and I’m full of longing for her as well as the pain from the knowledge that she doesn’t love me.