Page 12 of Sebastian's Baby

I stare into her eyes, which are pools of molten chocolate, and I imagine pulling her into my arms and kissing her. She wants me. I know she does, and by god, I can’t wait to fuck her.

To my surprise, she says, “I wouldn’t say there’s zero interest. Just zero intention on following through on that interest.”

“I see. Any chance your intentions will change?” I ask.

“Stranger things have happened, I guess.”

“I can live in hope, then.” My god, will I be hoping that her intentions change by the end of the evening. “Have you finished playing pool, princess?”

She doesn’t respond immediately, staring at me for a few seconds before she seems able to reply. “Sure, I’ve already beaten you twice. Unless you want to go for a third time?”

“Yeah, I’ll pass.” I don’t particularly enjoy the idea of having my ass handed to me by her again. I look over at my friends. “Should we go to Club Delirium now, then?”

Maybe if we have a few drinks and dance, Lita might be more inclined to change her mind about me. She obviously wants me.

“Sounds good to me,” Hayden says.

We pay for our table and head back to the limousine. This time, Lita moves to ensure she’s next to me, and I get a flare of pleasure as she does. She wants me.

She’s pretty quiet on the drive to Club Delirium, and Becky talks with my friends. I notice in my peripheral vision that Lita has her face turned to mine, though. I’m used to being looked at, so it’s not uncomfortable, just further confirmation that I’m going to end this night with Lita in my bed.

I let it go for a few minutes before I turn my face to hers, raise an eyebrow at her, and ask quietly, “Do you like what you see, princess?”

As we pass a streetlight, Lita’s face is illuminated, and her cheeks are an attractive pink shade. “Of course, I do.” She shrugs and continues, “I’d be shocked if you didn’t know how attractive you are.”

Hearing her say that I’m attractive pleases me more than it probably should. It’s not like I don’t know that I’m hot, but I certainly like tohearthat from her.

I smile at Lita and tease her, “Oh, I’m aware. What I’m interested in knowing is how attractiveyoufind me and if your intentions have changed yet.”

“Yet?” Lita rolls her eyes at me. “You seem very sure of yourself, Sebastian Fox.”

“I wouldn’t be if you stopped looking at me like that,” I point out.

“Noted.” She smiles at me before she turns immediately to face the rest of the people in the car.

I can’t help but chuckle at this response. She’s not fooling anyone, least of all me. She joins in the conversation that Becky and my friends are having about the promotion we did forGames We Play. I don’t really participate, choosing instead to watch Lita in the darkness.

Why am I so into this woman? She’s got me tied up in knots in a way that women just don’t do. She’s also a fan, and that should be a turnoff, especially when she’s as into our music as she is.

She laughs and says to Hayden, “I set an alarm and got up at six in the morning to watch you perform onGood Morning America.”

Bonafide fangirl right there. And yet…the thought of her watching me perform…I like it. If she had to set an alarm, was she lying in bed when she was watching me? I imagine her lying in my bed instead, and I can’t wait to get her there tonight.

We reach Club Delirium and are escorted past the line to head inside. People waiting to get into the club whisper when they see us, and the bouncers lift the rope to allow us through. Someone says my name quietly, but no one calls out to us, so I don’t turn to look at them.

When we get inside, the music is pounding, and the club has a good vibe. We get drinks before heading to the VIP area.

As we walk in, I’m accosted by a bubbly blonde woman who hugs me. “Hey, Seb. How are you?”

“Hi, April. How are you doing?”

“Great.” She grins at me and looks at Lita and Becky before asking quietly, “You brought friends with you tonight?”

“Well, they’re actually competition winners, but I’m certainly hoping to get friendly.” I wink at her.

“Have fun, then.” She hugs me again, then moves over to say hello to the guys before we continue through to a couple of empty sofas at the back of the VIP area.

I’m disappointed when Lita sits between Becky and Hayden on the one facing the dance floor. I sit at the end of the one that faces the rest of the VIP area. I’m further away from Lita, but it allows me a less obvious view of her as we sit and talk.