Page 118 of Sebastian's Baby

“I can’t legally serve you if you’re drunk,” she says quietly.

I raise my eyebrows at her. “I’m not drunk, though. I can’t be drunk if my glass is empty. See?” I hold it up for her to see again.

“Yes, I see. You’ve had a few in a very short period, though. Maybe wait a bit before having any more?” she suggests.

I frown at her. “Is there an ATM here?”

“Uh, yeah. It’s near the entrance to the bathroom.” She points to a door at the side of the room.


I slide off the stool, turn in the direction she pointed, and the alcohol hits me. I stand still for a second to get my bearings before I continue on my way. If I can’t walk straight, my plan won’t work.

I make it to the ATM and slide my card into the machine. It takes two attempts to get my PIN right, then I withdraw a thousand dollars. I walk back to the bar and climb onto the stool again. I smile at Kaylee but don’t call her over, and after a minute she comes over to me.

“Everything okay?”

“Yes.” I put the thousand dollars on the bar. “You can have this if you keep serving me. I would like to get completely wasted.”

Her eyes widen as she looks at the cash, but she shakes her head. “I’m sorry, but it’s not worth my job.”

“What about ten thousand?” I ask.

She raises an eyebrow at me. “You would pay me ten thousand dollars just to serve you drinks?”

I wonder if she thinks I’m trying to buy sex from her. It’s the type of thing Lita probably thought I would do when she first met me. I’m not, though. I don’t want to fuck Kaylee. I just want her to help me forget the world.

“Maybe. Would you do it?”

“You know you can go to a liquor store and buy a bottle for a whole lot less than that, don’t you?”

I shrug. “But then I wouldn’t have someone as pretty as you to serve me drinks.”

She does laugh, but my flirting doesn’t work because she says, “I’m sorry you’re having a bad day, but I can’t do it. Maybe it’s time to go home?”

I snort. “I can’t do that. My baby mama’s there, and she doesn’t love me.”

Her eyes go wide at the information I’ve let slip, but she looks like she feels sorry for me, so I wonder if I can get another drink out of her.

“I like you, Kaylee. What if you take the thousand dollars and give me a bottle of Glenfiddich in return? Then I’ll be out of your hair.” She looks torn, and I add, “You’ll technically only be serving me one more drink.”

She considers it, looking at the money for thirty seconds before she nods. She pockets the cash and then turns and pulls out a full bottle of Glenfiddich and puts it on the counter in front of me.

“If I see some news story that you’ve died of alcohol poisoning, I’ll never forgive myself, you know.”

“Kaylee, if I die of alcohol poisoning, you have my permission to blame me for convincing you to do this.”

I take my glass and the bottle, then head to a booth at the back of the bar. I pour myself a glass and go back to reading news articles on my phone. I’ve made it halfway through the bottle by the time Daryl appears at the booth.

“Mr. Fox?” he asks.

“Yeah.” I manage to say as I turn to blink at him.

“You need to leave for Gabriel’s bachelor party because you’re going to be late. Are you okay?”

I laugh. “I’m good. Great even. I feel better than ever.”

I slip my phone into my pocket, screw the lid on my bottle of Glenfiddich, and grip it tightly as I slide out of the booth. I stumble as soon as I try to take a step, and Daryl steadies me.