I smile at her reply.
I guess I’ll think about it, I’ll have to book a plane ticket soon if I want to go.
I quickly write a response.
I’ll sort out the flights if you decide to come.
By Friday, Lita has agreed to come, and I’ve booked a private plane to fly us to Chicago tomorrow because I don’t want Lita to have to go through the airport. I’m watching a movie on Netflix when my phone lights up, and I see the word ‘Princess.’ I snatch the phone up because Benjamin told me after he dropped her off this morning that the paparazzi were causing trouble at her office. He wants me to get extra security for Lita, so I’m immediately concerned that something has happened.
“Hey there, princess. What’s up?”
“I’ve been sent home from work, Seb.” Lita’s voice is shaky, and I can tell she’s crying.
“What? Why?”
“They want me to work from home until the baby’s born. The shit with the paparazzi out the front of the building has been causing issues. They’re worried about my safety and the safety of the other employees, apparently.”
I sigh. “I’m sorry, princess. It’s definitely a bit of a relief, though. Ben said it’s been getting pretty bad. He wanted me to consider getting a second bodyguard for you; I was going to look into it today.”
“He was that concerned? Why didn’t you tell me you were worried, Ben?” He says something in the background, and Lita huffs, “Well, just so everyone knows, I’m not some porcelain doll who can’t be told things. Please don’t leave me out of the loop in the future. I hate that.”
I chuckle at her outrage and tell her, “I’ve taken note of that, princess. I would have told you about it at some point today; we just haven’t talked since Ben told me. How are you feeling?”
“Like shit,” Lita admits with a sigh. “It feels like everything that’s mine is being taken away from me. I’ve just been reminding myself all that matters is our baby.”
“Everything else is just stuff,” I remind her.
“That’s right. It’s just hard when it feels like your entire life is being taken away from you piece by piece and being replaced with something else. I never expected this. I like to plan and be in control, so this is really hard for me.”
I feel so impotent, unable to do anything to really make it better for her while also being the cause of all of this shit.
I sigh and tell her. “I’ll see you when you get here, princess. I can’t say anything that will change what’s happened. I can’t make the paparazzi leave you alone. I can’t get your work to let you keep coming into the office. I can’t get you your old apartment back. All I can do is promise you that I am here for you. No matter what happens. You’ve got me, Lita.”
“Thanks, Seb. That means a lot to me,” she says before we end our call.
Lita spends the afternoon wallowing. When she gets home, I hold her for half an hour while she cries about the unfairness of the situation. I soak in the guilt and shame of being the root cause of her unhappiness, even though she doesn’t seem to blame me. Eventually, she calms down, and we have a good evening together, but I’m definitely looking forward to going back home this weekend. It’ll be good to get Lita out of this city and away from all of this.
LEVEL 16.6 – Ti amo
Lita is cuddledup next to me on the long sofa that’s against one side of the private jet we’re on. We’re headed to Chicago, and I feel at peace heading to my home and knowing Lita is coming with me.
“How many private planes have you flown in?” she asks.
I try to tally up the full number, but I’m sure I’m forgetting some of the flights, so I tell her, “More than a few, I guess. Why?”
“Are they all this awesome? I mean, I thought first-class was impressive, but this is next level.”
“This one’s okay. Next time, I’ll make sure I get one with a bed, though. I’ll get you a membership into the mile-high club in style.” I give her a wicked grin.
Lita looks at me and says, “I’m already a member.”
“Really?” I’m disappointed that I won’t get to induct her into the club.
“No, of course I’m not.” She bursts into laughter. “Have you been rich so long that you’ve forgotten what economy is like?”
I shake my head, remembering my first time fucking on a plane just before I turned twenty, and tell her, “No, but I was a member before I ever flew first-class, princess.”