Page 111 of Sebastian's Baby

“Me, too. I really don’t want to leave Lita behind in Seattle, though. I’ll be worried all weekend, not knowing if she’s safe here,” I say with a sigh.

“I can imagine,” Ariana replies.

“She’s a huge part of my life now, and you guys are as well. I just feel like she should be involved with everything…” I trail off.

Ariana laughs and asks, “Do you want me to invite her to my bachelorette party, Seb?”

“Only if you want to,” I say quickly. “Don’t do it on my account, though. I just think that she’s the mother of my child, and it’s weird if she’s not involved in stuff like this.”

“Well, when you put it that way, it makes me seem like a bitch if Idon’tinvite her,” Ariana says in a dry tone.

“Your words, not mine,” I say with a grin. “All I’m saying is that it would be weird if she wasn’t involved.”

I avoid saying the word ‘invited’ on purpose.

“And if shewereinvolved, then she could fly to Chicago with me, stay at my place on Saturday night, and go to your bachelorette party on Sunday before we fly back. I wouldn’t have to worry at all about her safety.”

“I see,” Ariana tells me, sounding amused. “Well, you’d better give me her number, then.”

I grin and say, “Awesome. I’ll text it to you. Again, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, and I’m not asking you to do it at all. It’s totally your choice.”

“Yes, of course it is,” she laughs. “Bye, Seb.”

It’s less than an hour later when Lita sends me a text.

Ariana invited me to her bachelorette party on Sunday. Should I go?

I smile at the text and write a reply.

I’m sure you’ll have a good time if you do. We can fly to Chicago together.

A few seconds later, she replies.

I don’t really know Ariana, though. It’s weird.

I’m considering how to respond when the words ‘My Lover’ appear on the screen.

“Hello there, lover,” I answer the call.

“What’s this about you telling Ariana to invite Lita for Sunday?”

I laugh and say, “No, I can assure you I didn’t do that. I just pointed out that Lita is a part of my life now, and it would be strange if she didn’t.”

“Tell me again how you’re not in love with her.” I can practically see the smirk on Heather’s face.

“Sure. I’m not in love with her,” I say dutifully.

“And I don’t believe you.”

I roll my eyes and say,“I don’t need your belief to know the truth. Lita means a lot to me, but it’s just because she’s having my baby.”

“If you say so. Well, I, for one, am glad you got Ariana to invite her. I’m very much looking forward to spending time with her on Sunday,” she says.

“I bet you are, lover. I’ve got to go.”

We end our call, and I look at Lita’s message. It’s weird. I should be worried about Lita telling Heather my secret, but I’m not. I’m more concerned that Heather will tell Lita something about me that makes her run screaming from this situation entirely. Still, I want her to come to Chicago with me, so I send her a reply.

Heather will be there and she’s looking forward to seeing you.