Page 110 of Sebastian's Baby

“Oh, geez, I’m not sure having you as my landlord is any better,” Lita laughs.

My smile turns to a grin, and I warn her, “Don’t make me put the apartment in your name and refuse to let you pay me anything, princess. I swear, I’ll do it if I hear any complaints from you about who your landlord is.”

“Noted. No complaints from me.” Lita shakes her head, then looks around. “Oh, there’s one other thing I almost forgot!”

She walks into her bedroom, then comes out of it about a minute later carrying a pink vibrator, and she smirks at me. “I couldn’t forget this. I have to have a way to get orgasms, you know.”

Amidst the stress of today and getting everything sorted, I’d forgotten about how horny I was, but it all comes rushing back to me. I can’t help but smile, and I know exactly what to do right now.

I stride over to her and take the vibrator out of her hand, and then I reach down to press it between her legs before turning it to the highest setting. Lita moans loudly, and my cock jerks in my jeans.

“Yes, we definitely need this,” I say as I turn it off, thinking that I really do want to watch her use it sometime.

Lita pants for breath and asks, “So, do we christen the new place tonight? Or do we say goodbye to this place?”

I really want to fuck her as soon as possible, but not at the risk of her being here when the paparazzi find this place.

“As much as I want you to sort out my incredibly blue balls, princess, I’d rather get somewhere secure with you as soon as possible.”

“Okay.” Lita gives a dramatic sigh. “IthinkI can manage until we get to the new place.”

I want to tease her, so I place the vibrator between her legs and turn it on again. I enjoy watching her as she bites her lip for a few seconds before she moans my name. Her breathing gets faster and, as she pants for breath, I think that she’s close to orgasm, so I switch the vibrator off before she can come.

Lita’s mouth drops open, and she blinks at me a few times before she says, “Sebastian Fox, you can’t do that to me!”

I grin wickedly at her. “Yes, I really can. Fuck, I love how responsive you are. Now you can be just as on edge as I’ve been all day, thinking about getting you into bed.”

“I hate you so much.” Lita pouts at me.

I shake my head. “No, you don’t. Anything else you need to take with you tonight?”

“Nothing I need more than you inside of me, that’s for sure,” she tells me.

I laugh. “Well, Daryl and I can always come back here and get anything you need that you’ve left behind.”

I carry one of her suitcases downstairs, then she sits in the SUV while Daryl and I bring down everything she’s decided to take to the new place. She cuddles into me on the drive there, and I’m so relieved to have her somewhere safe.

We settle into a routine over the next two mornings. I set an alarm half an hour earlier than Lita’s one for work so that I can fuck her before she leaves. I spend Tuesday looking at apartments with Vincent, but now that I don’t have to rush as much, I want to find something that’s perfect rather than settling for whatever I can get.

On Wednesday, I’m reminded that I have to fly back to Chicago this weekend for the bachelor party on Saturday. I’m really reluctant to leave Lita behind in Seattle, and I want her to come with me. I know that Ariana is having her bachelorette party on Sunday, so I give her a call.

“Hi, Ariana Chamberlain. How are you doing today?”

“I’m good,” she says with a laugh. “Are you using my full name as much as you can before it changes?”

“I sure am. Ariana Knight just doesn’t sound as good.”

“I’m sure you’ll get used to it. What’s up? Is the new apartment nice?”

I look around me. “It’s okay, but it’s pretty generic, and it’s weird living in a place full of someone else’s things.”

“I can understand that.”

We talk for a few minutes about my apartment hunting before I bring up the topic I want to talk to her about.

“I’m coming back to Chicago on Saturday for Gabriel’s bachelor party.”

“Yeah, he’s really looking forward to seeing you,” she says, and I smile.