“Look, we’ll talk when you get here. I’ll explain. I still have some shit to get finished, and the longer we talk, the longer it’ll be before I can leave,” Lita says.
“Okay, princess…” I trail off, and I’m so grateful that she’s willing to do this. “Thank you, though.”
“You’re welcome, Seb. I’ll see you soon.”
I check with Benjamin how long it’ll take to drive to Silicon Street, and we make a plan for when we get there. I’ll stay in the car with him while Daryl goes inside to get Lita, since she knows him. I text Lita to let her know, and by the time we’re sitting in the black SUV near her office building, I’m nervous.
We’re a short way down, but it’s easy to see the crowd of paparazzi at the front of her office. They’re stopping people and asking questions of them as they leave. Lita sends me a text to say that she’s heading downstairs, and I tell Daryl.
He turns to Benjamin and says, “Okay, I’ll go inside and get her. Give me a minute once I’m in there and then move to the front of the building. I’ll bring Miss Ciccone out once you’re there.”
Benjamin agrees, and Daryl heads off. We pull forward and stop in front of the building, blocking one of the lanes of the road in front of her building because there are no parking spaces available, but I don’t care. Daryl appears with Lita behind him and calls something to the paparazzi that makes them move back. My heart is in my throat as I watch them make their way to the car.
The paparazzi are calling out questions, and when they’re nearer, I hear Daryl say, “She won’t be answering any questions.”
They keep asking them, though. About me sleeping with other women. Whether we’ve had a threesome. What we’re going to name the baby.
Lita’s face is pale, and her eyes are wide as Daryl opens the car door. She slides in next to me and bursts into tears as I put my arm around her and pull her into me for a hug. I use my other hand to turn her face up to mine and kiss her as she continues shaking and crying.
“You did really well, princess,” I say when our kiss ends.
“Thanks.” She wipes her eyes and takes a shaky breath. “It was so fucking scary.”
“I know. We’re going to go now, but we need to know where your car is.” I smile at her.
She tells us where the parking garage is, and Benjamin does a U-turn so we can drive back to it. She tells him where she parked her blue Hyundai Elantra and gives him the number plate. Benjamin tells her he’ll take it to the new apartment, and she thanks him while Daryl gets into the driver’s seat of the SUV.
“So, you’re really okay with moving?”
I want to check, because I don’t want to push her into anything she’s not comfortable doing.
Lita smiles at me. “Yes, Seb. I realized I could let this shit break me, or I could accept your support and just get through it. You’re right, our safety”—she puts her hand protectively on her baby bump—“is the single most important thing.”
“Best baby mama ever.” I smile at her and kiss her again.
I’m relieved when there’s no one waiting at Lita’s apartment when we get there. Maybe we can get in and out before they find this place. Daryl leaves us here while he goes to get himself some dinner, and I help Lita pack a suitcase with clothes and anything she needs immediately at the new apartment.
“When we’ve picked a more permanent place, I’ll get movers to come back here and pack everything up so that you don’t have to do it.”
“I want to say no because that’s weird, but I also don’t think I’d be able to do it myself.”
“It’s okay to accept help, remember.” I smile at her, and she nods.
Lita makes us dinner, and we eat together while I show her the apartment listings that Ariana sent me earlier to see if any of them interest her. We clean up after dinner and pack up the few things we’ll need for breakfast in the morning.
“Daryl and I will come back tomorrow and bring the stuff from your fridge and pantry. No need for us to do that tonight.”
Lita nods and I call Daryl to let him know that he can come get us.
“This is still really weird. I’ve just realized I probably won’t come back here again.”
I look over at her, and she has a forlorn look on her face. I realize that this morning she woke up as normal, but now her whole world has been turned upside down and, of course, it’s my fault.
“Shit, you’re right. I’m sorry, Lita.”
“You don’t have to keep apologizing; it’s not going to change anything, and we both love our baby. All this craziness is just stuff. It’s just weird because, last night, you asked me if you could crash with me, now I have to crash with you…probably permanently.” She wrinkles her nose at me.
“You’re crashing with me for now, princess. Once I buy a place, you’ll be renting it from me, and I want you to consider it yours. I will hand over all keys to you, like any other landlord,” I promise her with a smile.