I’m flicking through the magazine when I hear the buzz of Lita’s vibration coming from her room. I walk swiftly back there and look at her message.
Don’t go through my underwear drawer while I’m out, pervert.
I laugh out loud because I have been being nosy, but at least not that bad, and I write a reply to her.
Too late. I’ve already been through it AND found your vibrator.
I’m taking a guess that she has one, and I wonder where it is. I wouldn’t mind using it on her.
Well, it wouldn’t have been hard to find. I needed an orgasm last night after you fell asleep.
I wonder if this would count as breaking one of her ground rules. Probably not, but I tease her about it anyway with my reply.
No sleeping with someone else if the other person is in town, right? I’ll be disappointed if you really did deny me the opportunity to give you another orgasm last night, or at the very least, to get to watch you give yourself one…
I’m starting to get hard as I think about watching Lita using her vibrator on herself. I’d love to watch her masturbate sometime. That would be hot as fuck.
I bet you would love to watch that, pervert. Maybe tonight. I really need to stop texting you and drive to work now. I’ll sort those blue balls out as soon as I get home.
I laugh again because she’s not wrong. I wish she’d come back and fuck me now. I kind of want to masturbate, but I also like the idea of being horny as hell all day to make fucking her even more satisfying tonight. So I type a reply.
Cruelest baby mama ever. You’re lucky you’re sexy as fuck. Thirty thousand if you manage it tonight, I’m desperate.
LEVEL 16.1 – Pressure
Lita doesn’t replyto my text, and I take a shower in her bathroom. When I get out, I realize I don’t have a towel, so I use Lita’s slightly damp one to dry myself. I head back to the living room and grab my bag.
I pull on a spare pair of underwear and then jeans I wore on Friday. Thank god I’ve had it drilled into me to bring spare underwear when I travel, but I’m going to have to go shopping today so I have stuff to wear if I’m going to be here for a while.
I’m sitting at the dining table, eating toast and reading my emails, when I see the word “Princess” on my screen, and I smile. Maybe she’s read my last message and changed her mind.
“Hey, princess. Are you calling to tell me you’ve decided to call in sick and come home to have sex with me after all?”
“Seb,” she says in a cracked voice before she starts crying.
Fear rips through me, and I’m worried that something’s happened with the baby.
“What’s wrong, Lita?”
“They were at my work,” she tells me through her tears.
“Shit! Fucking assholes.” I blow out a breath of air, relieved that it’s the paparazzi and not the baby, at least. “Stay there. Don’t leave until we come to get you, okay?”
Lita laughs. “I still have to work today, Sebastian.”
“You’re right, of course. We’ll come get you when it’s time to leave.”
“What about my car?”
“If I can get a bodyguard to start today, they can drive it home for you. Otherwise, we’ll work something out. Don’t worry, princess, we’ll keep you safe.” I sigh.
She doesn’t reply immediately, but I hear some talking in the background before she says, “I’ve gotta go, Seb. Keep me updated with what happens, okay?”
“I will do, princess. Try not to stress; I’ll talk to you later.”
I have a lot to get done today, so I focus on the practical things I can do to help Lita. I call Daryl and tell him to come to Lita’s because we’ll need to go out soon. Then, I call the protection agency we used in Chicago, and they recommend one in Seattle.