“Thanks,” she replies as the blue number-ten ball drops into the pocket in front of me, followed swiftly by the white ball. “But as you can see, I’m not exactly about to go pro.”
She stands up, and I’m fighting with the strong urge to drag her to the toilets to fuck. This woman. Fucking hell, she’s amazing. I take in the view of her body once more before I turn my attention to our game. She’s one ball ahead of me, so I should probably try to focus on playing pool. It’s not like she’ll beat me, but still, I don’t want it to be too close.
I start by knocking down that pesky number one that evaded me last time. After that, I get down the green number six and orange number five in quick succession. Much better. I’m ahead again, so I aim for the number-three ball at the other end of the table to leave myself up there to get the seven and eight balls after I sink it.
The three hits the side of the pocket and bounces out. I groan loudly when the white ball rolls back perfectly in line with Lita’s green number-fourteen ball. She starts to lean down and take her shot before she stands up and stares at the table again.
It’s annoying because I just want her to have her turn so I can finish the game, and it feels like she’s just drawing it out. “What are you waiting for, princess? I’ve set you up.”
Lita looks over at me and gives me a wicked grin. “Yeah, you have. You just don’t realize how badly yet.”
She spins on her heel and walks down the end of the table to aim at the number-eleven ball instead. It rolls into the pocket, and we’re even again for about ten seconds before she aims for the thirteen ball and sinks it. She finally aims for the fourteen that I’d originally set her up for and easily gets it down.
“Corner pocket for the black ball,” she says, pointing her cue at it.
This is not normal. I don’t lose at pool, and yet…the ball is neatly pocketed where she told us she would be pocketing it.
“Okay, who’s up next?” Lita asks us with a smile.
No. Way. That didn’t happen. It was just because I was distracted by her fucking tits.
“Wait, I want a rematch!” I tell her, determined to focus better this time.
“Fine,” Lita shrugs. “I mean, I was kind of hoping for a challenge, but sure, I’ll play you again.”
Gabriel, Hayden, and Harrison all burst into laughter, and I growl as I start racking up the balls again. Lita could dance topless around the pool table, and I wouldnotlet her beat me again. I’m briefly distracted by the thought of her being topless but force my mind back to our pool game.
“I like you, Lita. You’re feisty!” Gabriel says.
“I’m texting Heather right now to tell her how trash you are at pool, Seb,” Harrison teases me.
“I’m not trash.” I roll my eyes at him. “Lolita got lucky.”
“Lita”—I’m pleased to have gotten a reaction from her when she emphasizes her name heavily in response—“did not ‘get lucky,’ she’s just really good at this game.”
“You won’t beat me again, princess,” I assure her.
“I won’t ‘beat you’ again?” She raises an eyebrow at me. “Your desires for me to not beat you are noted. Now, what about the outcome of our game of pool?”
Fucking hell. Now I have images in my head of her ‘beating me,’ and it’s certainly not at pool. No way will I win our game if I can’t focus. There isplentyof time to have sexual thoughts about this woman…right after I win our game of pool.
“Stop, Lita,” Hayden says through his laughter. “I’ve never seen someone go toe-to-toe with Seb like this. I didn’t realize how much I needed it in my life. You’re making my dreams come true right now.”
Lita laughs as well, and the melodic sound is annoying me right now, so I turn to her and say, “Your break,Lolita. Since you won the last game.”
She stops laughing and glares at me for a second before leaning down for the break. It doesn’t matter that I look away from her every time she bends down. My complete focus being on our match doesn’t stop her from beating me again, even if I do get one ball closer to winning.
I hand my cue over to Harrison and pull my phone out to see a text from Heather.
Since when does Sebastian Fox lose at pool?!
I roll my eyes and look at Harrison, “You really told Heather?”
“I sure did,” he grins at me as Lita breaks the triangle of balls. “I couldn’t possibly leave her unaware of the evening’s events.”
“Gee, thanks.”
I send a text back to Heather.