“Thanks, Ethan. I appreciate that. I’ll call Jesse and get him to head over. You can go back to Gabriel now.”
“Not a problem,” he said in a cool tone.
Tatiana bristled at his words and wanted to call him out for being a judgmental prick.
In his defense, you did come out here looking like that, and now Hayden’s looking at you like he wants to throw you down on the ground and fuck you stupid.
She watched Ethan as he walked to the door and left the room. When the door closed behind him, Tatiana looked down at her phone to get Jesse’s contact details up.
“What are you doing?” Hayden asked.
“Calling Jesse,” she told him, having just found the contact page in her phone.
She was about to press the button to make the call when Hayden said, “Don’t do that. Watch this movie with me, instead.”
She turned to face him, and he smiled before patting the sofa next to him.
“Hayden, I want to go to sleep.”
Also, she thought that watching a movie with a drunk Hayden was an absolutely terrible idea.
Good assessment.
“But you’re my favorite movie-watching friend,” he said in a charming voice.
Don’t do it.
“What are you watching?” she asked.
It doesn’t matter because you’re not going to watch a movie with him.
“I managed to find Quantum of Solace for you to watch,” he told her proudly. “I didn’t have any hope of finding the old Bond films, but I figured since you watched the new Casino Royale, we could watch through the new ones and then watch the old ones if I get them for us to watch on the bus or something.”
“That’s very thoughtful, but I’m tired, and you’re drunk. We should both go to bed.” She shook her head.
Hayden ran his eyes over her again. “Very good idea.”
“To our own beds,” she clarified.
“Very bad idea,” he laughed.
Arousal flowed through Tatiana as Hayden continued to take in every inch of the flesh her nightwear exposed to his view.
“Watch the movie with me, Tati. I think you’ll like it, and I know I’ll like watching it with you.”
Caution: Danger ahead. Hot rock star with insane sex appeal in the vicinity. Proceed carefully.
“Okay. But I’m going to make you a coffee, and you’re going to drink it. I’m also going to order you some room service to soak up the alcohol.”
That’s not proceeding carefully, that’s throwing caution to the wind.
“Deal. I’ll drink all the drinks and eat all the foods, and you’ll be hot as shit and watching the movie with me,” he grinned at her.
The amount of pleasure she got from him calling her ‘hot as shit’ caused a wave of guilt to wash over her. She tried to ignore it as she called room service for a burger and chips before she made him a coffee. Then she sat next to him on the sofa with a coffee of her own.
“Not as good as the coffee at home, is it?” Hayden asked her.
Tatiana shook her head. “Definitely not. I’m going to miss having your coffee machine in my life when this contract ends.”