Page 88 of The Stalker

“Of course, Angela,” he smiled at her.

“He knows her?” Tatiana asked Hayden in an undertone.

He nodded and said quietly, “These guys come to all of our shows.”

“All of them?” Tatiana gasped.

“Pretty much. They’re big fans.” Hayden shrugged.

Tatiana could barely fathom it. She wondered how they could afford the time and money to follow a band around the country as she watched Sebastian signing the shirt.

The guys all moved over to talk to them and sign the shirt before also signing a tour poster one of the other fans had. Tatiana was on edge and watched them with Hayden, while also keeping an eye on anyone else who was nearby.

Finally, Gabriel said, “It was good to see you guys. We have to go to dinner, but we’ll see you at the show on Friday.”

They waved goodbye to the fans and continued through the lobby to the restaurant. When they arrived, they were taken to a table where Tatiana sat in between Hayden and Lita, who was holding Mirabella in her arms. Tatiana looked down at the tiny baby, who was looking at her with bright blue eyes.

“Hello, baby,” Tatiana cooed and then smiled at her. “Hi. You’re beautiful, aren’t you?”

Hayden laughed, “I honestly did not think you would use the ‘baby voice,’ Tatiana.”

Tatiana laughed as well when she realized she had indeed been using a different voice to talk to the baby.

“Does anyone not use that voice?” Lita laughed. “I read that it actually helps their development, and it’s basically instinctual for us to use it.”

“I don’t feel so bad, then,” Tatiana grinned at her.

They ordered a round of drinks when they ordered their appetizers, and the drinks came out after a few minutes. Tatiana took a sip of her water as the others were talking.

“Favorite tour moment so far…go,” Gabriel said to Sebastian, who was sitting next to him.

“When you forgot the words to ‘Cataclysm’ and sang the second verse first,” Sebastian laughed.

Gabriel laughed as well. “Fair call. Mine was when Harrison performed half the show with his fly undone.”

“Shut up. Heather’s still teasing me about it,” Harrison groaned.

“I liked when Sebastian started singing ‘Sweet Mission’ in the wrong key,” Lita laughed.

“You were backstage. You didn’t even see it,” Sebastian objected.

“I’ve seen the video, though, and that was good enough,” she grinned at him.

“What about when Gabriel’s microphone cut out,” Ariana said.

“Oh yes, that was hilarious,” Hayden laughed, then he turned to look at Tatiana. “What’s been your favorite moment, Tati?”

Probably any time he’d had his shirt off on stage, if she was being honest.

For fuck’s sake, don’t say that!

“I’m not sure what you think I’m there for, but it’s definitely not to watch you guys perform, sorry,” Tatiana cringed.

“I honestly thought you were coming to see me perform every night. I’m so offended,” Sebastian exclaimed with a loud gasp.

“And yet, Hayden’s still breathing, so all’s well that ends well,” she told him.

Hayden chuckled next to her. “I definitely prefer breathing to Tati watching us perform.”