Page 82 of The Stalker

She realized it wasn’t just a bad idea, but a terrible one. She couldn’t watch a whole film in a bed with Hayden. Should she pretend she was tired after all? Before she could decide, the film was starting, and Bond was confronting a man in an office building in Prague.

“It’s in black and white?” she asked Hayden.

“This bit is,” he said.

As the Bond theme started and the red blood dripped down the screen, Tatiana was impressed by the cinematography, at least. The credits started playing, and Tatiana took another sip of her beer.

Hayden opened the potato chips and held the packet out toward her. “Want some?”

“Sure,” she said. “Thanks.”

She grabbed a handful of the chips and turned back to the screen, where the credits were still playing. She didn’t like how long they were because it was giving her a chance to second guess this whole thing again.

There’s still time to tell him you’re suddenly very tired.

She looked over at him and he was looking at her. He smiled at her, then looked over her body before returning his eyes to the screen. It was enough to make Tatiana realize that she’d come to his room dressed for bed, in a short silk nightgown. How had she not even thought about what she was wearing?

She grabbed the hem of the dress and pulled it down an inch, trying to cover a little more of her thighs.

Hayden laughed his low, sexy laugh and said, “You should know that when you did that, it just pulled your top down more.”

She looked down and saw that she had, indeed, revealed more of her cleavage by pulling her dress down. She was so wet simply from being near him, and with both of them having so much skin exposed to one another’s view, especially with the knowledge that he was single now.

Can’t happen. Won’t happen. Watch the damn movie and get out.

She pulled the top of her dress up a little, and Hayden laughed again but didn’t say anything. Then, the movie was starting properly, and Tatiana was pulled into the events happening in Uganda.

The movie was definitely interesting, and Tatiana noted where it differed from the book. She ate the potato chips when Hayden offered them to her, as well as a chocolate bar after that. He took the trash and set it aside as they finished the food and then the bottles from the beers.

By about half an hour into the movie, there was no longer anything physically between them on the bed. Tatiana noticed this when Hayden shifted slightly, moving down on the bed, but also moving closer to her when he did.

Don’t do it.

She did do it. Tatiana did the same thing, moving down so her head was at the same level as Hayden’s and shifting over as she did. Their bodies were touching ever so slightly now. His skin was warm against hers, and her heart pounded in her chest as his nearness flooded her senses.

She tried to focus on the movie as much as she could, but she was also incredibly aware of the fact she only needed to turn her head and she would be able to kiss Hayden. It wasn’t helped when Bond started making out with a woman on the screen.

“This isn’t awkward at all,” she murmured as it became apparent the couple would have sex soon.

“What’s awkward about it, Tati?” Hayden asked in a husky voice.

He placed his hand between them, and she felt the back of it against her thigh.

“You know exactly what is awkward.” As she spoke, Bond told the woman that he needed to order champagne, and the sex scene didn’t happen. She couldn’t resist saying, “Thank god.”

“I could show you what they didn’t do if you feel you missed out,” Hayden said quietly.

“What happened to no funny business and you just being happy I’m watching a movie with you?”

“Well, to be fair, that was before I knew what having you in my bed would do to me.”

Tatiana’s breath caught in her throat, and she didn’t know how to respond, but she did know she was in trouble right now.

She was aching intensely to have him fuck her, but she managed to say, “If my being here is causing you issues, I can go to bed, and we can watch this on the sofa tomorrow.”

“Now, where’s the fun in that?” he asked.

“We can’t fuck, Hayden,” she whispered.