I sent the ones with me in them, even though you didn’t ask for them. I see how it is. You only care about April. You don’t care about me at all.
Tatiana grinned at his message and opened the pictures to look at them. He was ridiculously sexy and lying in a bed not far from her. She thought carefully about how to reply.
I didn’t say that. You know what pic you didn’t send me, though? The one of us twinning.
It wasn’t long before the picture of them in their matching outfits appeared on her screen, along with another message from Hayden.
Good times. If you’re still awake, you should come watch the movie with me.
Her heart pounded in her chest, and she swallowed heavily.
Bad idea, Tatiana. Bad, bad idea.
It was just a movie, though. And was watching it in a bed really that much different to watching it while sitting on a sofa?
She gritted her teeth and typed a response.
Want me to bring a drink and snacks with me?
It wasn’t long at all before his reply showed up.
Yeah, a beer would be good and whatever snacks you want.
Tatiana climbed out of bed and opened the door to her room as quietly as she could. She couldn’t hear Jesse at all, so she didn’t know if he was asleep yet, but she felt like a naughty teenager climbing out of their bedroom window to sneak out of the house. She tiptoed through the main area to the fridge.
When she opened it, she cringed at the bright light in the area. She glanced toward the sofa but couldn’t see Jesse in the darkness. She grabbed out two beers, then held the fridge door open and used that light to see into the pantry cupboard as she grabbed out a packet of potato chips and some chocolate bars.
She closed the fridge and let her eyes become accustomed to the darkness again, standing still and listening to see if she could hear Jesse at all. Nothing. She walked quietly to Hayden’s room, cringing when the potato chip packet crinkled in her arms as she reached forward to open his door.
She slipped into his room and closed the door behind her. Hayden was where she’d left him, lying on his bed with a book in his hands that he was currently setting aside as she walked to his bed.
“No funny business, mister. We’re just going to watch a movie,” she said in a stern voice.
Should I point out that the fact you felt the need to say that says a lot about this entire situation?
Hayden chuckled, “Of course. I’m just happy to have someone to watch a movie with me. Bringing snacks with you is the cherry on top.”
She dropped the food on the bed, then sat on it with the snacks between them and handed him a beer.
“I wasn’t sure what snacks you wanted, but this stuff seemed good enough,” Tatiana said.
“Yeah, I had the bus stocked with stuff I like, so I knew it wouldn’t matter what you picked.” Hayden shrugged.
He picked up the tablet and pressed the button to make the television slide up into their view. As he was finding the movie to put it on, Tatiana caught a whiff of his scent and had the stunning realization that she was lying in his bed. She knew this was probably a bad idea, because she immediately ached to have him between her thighs.
She opened her beer and took a big swig to try and cool herself down, but she looked over at him where he was searching for the movie. His eyes were focused on the tablet, and she allowed her gaze to traverse his toned body, down his chest and to the gray sweatpants, where she could see the obvious outline of his package.
Stop that. You can’t have sex with him, and you definitely shouldn’t be looking at his cock, Tatiana.
She snapped her head up and turned it to look at the screen. The app was just opening to stream the film.
“Here we go,” Hayden said as the film started playing.
She couldn’t focus on the screen as the movie company’s logo was displayed. All of her senses were filled with Hayden on the bed next to her. He was so close right now. He’d been closer to her, of course, but there was something about being in a bed with him…in private.
I tried to tell you this was a bad idea.