April smiled brightly at her and nodded. “Of course you can.”
Tatiana was frozen in shock, disbelieving of what was happening. Hayden dropped his arm from around her shoulders and to the small of her back, where he pushed her gently in April’s direction. She was kind of glad, because she hadn’t quite worked out how to use her feet to get there.
She stood next to April, who put her arm around Tatiana as Hayden pulled out his phone to take their picture. She smiled dutifully as he took a few pictures of them together.
Then, he turned to Heather and said, “Can you take one of the three of us?”
Heather raised an eyebrow at him, but said, “Of course.”
He handed her his phone before he moved to stand next to Tatiana. He put his arm around her waist, settling it just above her hip and pulling her into him as he did. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she was sure she looked like a complete dumbass because she couldn’t focus enough to smile.
Heather even said, “You need to smile, Tatiana.” She forced a smile onto her face as Heather took a couple of pictures, then said, “I think I got one.”
She handed the phone back to Hayden, and he looked through the pictures, smiling as he did before he turned his phone to show her.
“Here’s a good one. Look, Tati.”
She looked at the phone and was surprised that she didn’t look as stupid as she thought she did. The three of them were smiling at the camera, and there was no external sign that she was dying inside.
“I’ll send them to you,” he told her.
He was smiling down at her, and she looked up into his beautiful brown eyes. He really was one of the kindest and most beautiful human beings she’d ever met.
“What the fuck is going on?” A cold voice said from behind them.
Ice ran through her veins at the sound of Blake’s voice. Hayden’s eyes went wide and they both turned to look at him. He was glaring at the two of them, and everyone in the vicinity was also looking at them with interest now.
Hayden glanced quickly between her and Blake before telling him, “I was just showing Tatiana the pictures we took with April.”
“Yes, I know. I just watched you looking very cozy together for the last few minutes. Isn’t she supposed to be your bodyguard?” He turned to look at Tatiana and glared at her. “Is this part of your service? Fucking my boyfriend?”
Pretty much the entire room had gone silent now, and Tatiana could feel everyone’s eyes on the scene they were creating.
“Blake, let’s go to my dressing room to talk,” Hayden said calmly.
Blake narrowed his eyes at Hayden. “Well, that’s not a no. So you are fucking her, then?”
“For god’s sake, Blake,” Heather said in an exasperated tone. “He literally just brought her over to take a picture with April because she’s a fan. Why do you have to be such a dick?”
“Shut up, Heather. This doesn’t concern you, and you don’t have to insert yourself into every situation. I’m trying to talk to my boyfriend.”
Heather opened her mouth to say something, but she looked at Hayden and closed it again.
He repeated in the same calm tone, “Blake, let’s go to my dressing room to talk.”
“No. I want you to tell me if you’re fucking her or not.” Blake glared at Hayden.
The entire room was filled with thick tension, and nobody seemed to be moving at all now as everyone waited for Hayden’s response. Tatiana could barely breathe, and her heart was racing a thousand miles a minute.
“Okay, you want to do this here, then,” Hayden said in a steely voice, and his eyes were so dark they looked black. “Fine. Blake, the answer is no, I’m not having sex with Tatiana.”
Blake’s expression turned to one of satisfaction, and he smirked at Tatiana before Hayden continued.
“But, that is the last time I’m going to have to answer to you because we’re through. As you’re now my ex-boyfriend, I’d appreciate it if you could hand over your all-access pass before you leave. I’ll get security to give it to one of the fans who I would much rather have at the concert than you.”
He looked over to the entrance of the room and caught Jesse’s eye.
“Jesse,” he called out. “Can you please see Blake out of here. Thanks.”