Page 43 of The Stalker

Blake shifted closer to him on the sofa and ran the backs of his fingers down Hayden’s face before kissing him. Tatiana looked away as they kissed. She was always uncomfortable witnessing her clients’ private interactions, but it was worse with Hayden for some reason.

As if you don’t know the reason.

When their kiss ended, Hayden murmured, “Should we take this to my bedroom?”

“We probably should, unless you want an audience,” Blake laughed before turning to smirk at Tatiana.

Hayden winked at her, “Live sex shows aren’t a part of the gig, are they, Tati?”

“No, they’re not,” Tatiana smiled at him.

Hayden grinned at her before linking his hand with Blake’s and leading him to his bedroom. She stood at the end of the hallway, as far as she could from his room while still being able to see his door, and kept an eye on both that and the rest of the apartment.

Nonetheless, it wasn’t long at all before she heard a moan that she recognized as being Hayden’s. Tatiana was supremely uncomfortable, and she couldn’t understand why.

Because you wish he was moaning for you. Which is completely unprofessional, by the way!

That was wrong, of course. She didn’t wish Hayden was moaning for her at all. She was just always uncomfortable when bearing witness to her clients’ sexual encounters.


Hayden moaned again, and given Blake’s apparent silence, Tatiana could guess at what he was doing. Unbidden, an image of herself on her knees in front of Hayden came to her mind.

Hard no! Stop that!

Tatiana strode into her bedroom as quickly as she could and pulled out her noise-canceling headphones. She shoved them into her ears and turned on loud music as she returned to her post. She listened to one of her favorite rap groups while she kept an eye on both the apartment and Hayden’s door.

She didn’t like the sensory deprivation. Being unable to hear the elevator was uncomfortable, and she had to stay on alert for anyone approaching because she had to rely on seeing them with no other warning.

It was an immense relief when Hayden’s door cracked open in her peripheral vision as she was listening to the group’s second album. Tatiana yanked one of the headphones out of her ear, cutting off the music. She shoved it in her pocket as the two men appeared.

“Are you sure, sexy?” Blake asked.

Hayden kissed him and said, “I’m sure. Have fun.”

“Bye, Tatiana. I hope you enjoyed the show,” Blake smirked as he passed her.

“Don’t be a dick.” Hayden frowned at him as he passed Tatiana as well.

She followed the men as they headed to the entrance of the apartment. Blake stopped by the elevator but didn’t press the button to call it.

Instead, he frowned and said, “You know what, Hayden Vega? I think you care a little bit too much about what your bodyguard thinks.”

Hayden glanced quickly at Tatiana, then back at Blake, and asked, “What do you mean?”

“You’re very protective of her. Telling me not to be a dick to her when I’m meant to be your boyfriend.” Blake shrugged his shoulders, but there was a steely glint in his eye as he said it.

“Well, I’d rather not provide a hostile working environment for Tatiana if I can help it. I’d also like it if my boyfriend would assist me with that,” Hayden said pointedly.

“Whatever you say”—Blake pressed the button for the elevator—“but I still think you care too much about what she thinks. You haven’t been out ever since she made a scene at Club Delirium.”

Tatiana bristled at the implication that it was her fault she’d gotten involved in the drama at the club. She refused to take the bait, even though Blake was staring directly at her now. She kept her face neutral and was unsurprised when Blake reeled Hayden in.

“Tatiana didn’t make a scene, Blake. Yeah, I haven’t been out since then, but it’s not Tatiana’s fault. It just made me realize how exposed I was. I just want to remain safe while this whole stalker situation is being dealt with.”

The elevator pinged and the doors slid open. Blake kissed Hayden quickly, then got in.

Once he did, he pressed the button to hold the doors open and said in a warning tone, “You can’t hide with her forever, Hayden. I don’t think that becoming a hermit is a healthy way to deal with having a stalker.”