“Yes, Mr. Vega,” she said as she nodded her head.
He smiled, then dipped his head to kiss her as he pushed himself inside of her. She felt completely full with the butt plug inside her at the same time as Hayden was, and she gasped sharply.
Hayden froze and asked, “Safety light check?”
“Green, Mr. Vega. It’s good. Really, really good.”
The concern vanished from his expression and his eyes became hooded as he began to move in and out of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and gasped again as the change of position increased the sensations inside her. Hayden didn’t stop now, keeping his gaze trained on her as they continued moving together in sync.
When Tatiana came, stars burst at the edge of her vision and she couldn’t stop herself from calling out, “Mr. V—”
He crashed his lips against hers and cut off the rest of his name, fucking her through her orgasm and on to his own. His cock spasmed while he was buried deep inside of her and collapsed on top of her before rolling to his side and pulling her into his arms.
“I love you, Tatiana.” He kissed her softly.
It felt as though the entire world was glowing. Her love for him was so sharp and intense. She smiled brightly at him, feeling completely at peace with the man who had changed her world entirely in the time she’d known him.
“I love you, too.”
They headed back to the bathroom to clean up, with Hayden washing Tatiana and drying her before they got dressed and settled back in bed together. Sunlight was streaming in the windows and caught her engagement ring, causing a scattered reflection around the room, and she smiled, holding her hand up and moving it so the reflections on the ceiling moved with her hand.
“I want to marry you as soon as the tour’s over,” Hayden said with a smile on his face.
She turned to look at him. “Okay. Any preferences on where?”
“Wherever you are.” He winked at her.
“Can we get married in California?”
Hayden had met her family when they were in Los Angeles for the tour. She saw her family so rarely and was expecting to settle in Chicago with Hayden, so she wanted to have this special day in the one place she’d called home before this new stage of her life.
“Of course.” He smiled at her. “A friend of ours has an estate in Napa. It’s really private and the paparazzi won’t be able to hound us at all. I’m sure he would be fine with us using it unless you have a church or something you were thinking of?”
She shook her head. “That sounds perfect, Hayden.”
He kissed her, and she settled herself back against him, catching sight of the time on her watch. They didn’t have very many hours before they would arrive at the venue.
“How are you feeling about going back to San Antonio?” she asked him.
His body stiffened, and he inhaled deeply before letting out the breath of air. “Nervous. I talked to Brendan about it yesterday, though. I keep reminding myself that nobody is after me anymore, but it’s still scary.”
“I’ll be there with you every minute.” She reached her palm up and placed it on his cheek as she looked into his eyes. “No one is ever going to hurt you again.”
He looked down at her with the haunted look that he sometimes wore behind his eyes before it disappeared, and he nodded, then squeezed her tightly in a hug.
“We should go have breakfast,” he said.
Tatiana nodded, and they made their way to the kitchen, where Jesse was making himself a coffee. He wouldn’t look Tatiana in the eye, and heat flooded her cheeks as she was certain that he’d heard them having sex.
“Morning, Jesse,” Hayden said.
“Morning. How is the happy couple today?” Jesse asked, taking a sip of his coffee as he headed over to the sofa.
“Good,” Hayden said as he began getting out the things to make them a bowl of granola each.
“I’m happy to hear it. You ready to go home to Chicago?”
Hayden nodded. “Definitely. I’m over it. It’s been a long tour, especially given—” he cut himself off and put the milk back in the fridge before continuing, “—anyway, I’m ready to go home. What about you?”