Page 162 of The Stalker

She breathed in deeply through her nose and blew it out through her mouth. Hayden’s friends. They had clues about what Daniel had done after Tatiana was unconscious.

She strode back into the dressing room and gave Jesse a level stare. “We need to go talk to the band.”

“Yes, we do.” He nodded his head.

They were walking down the hall to Sebastian’s dressing room, which was next to Hayden’s, when Raphael called from behind them, “Where are you going?”

She ignored him. He could fuck off with his medical transfer. She needed information. She ignored Daryl and Benjamin, who were sitting outside Sebastian’s dressing room, and opened the door without knocking.

“What the fuck?” Sebastian asked, looking over at them as she walked into the room with Jesse behind her.

Tatiana swallowed and said, “Sebastian, I need you to tell me what happened after the soundcheck.”

“Why? What’s happened?”

She could see the same fear she felt creeping over him, and the tone of his voice changed as he asked the question. He knew what had happened. She didn’t want to break him, but she had to.

“Hayden has been kidnapped. Daniel did it. What happened after the soundcheck?”

Lita had been sitting silently next to Sebastian, but she gasped at Tatiana’s words. “No!”

“Daniel did it?” Sebastian gaped at her.

“Focus, Sebastian! What happened after the soundcheck?” she asked in a stern voice.

He blinked at her and said, “Daniel said you were sick. Hayden rushed off with him to see you. We walked past his dressing room a few minutes later, but it was quiet, and we didn’t hear anything.” He lowered his gaze to the floor and shook his head. “I didn’t think to check on how you were. I didn’t think…”

He trailed off, and Tatiana ground her teeth together. Daniel had planned this well. She’d known the stalker was clever, and he’d gained all of their trust. Waiting until the right moment to strike.

“It’s not your fault. Don’t blame yourself.” She turned and walked out of the room, unable to say any more.

“Miss Swanson, you need to go to the hospital. The authorities are meeting you there,” Raphael said with a frown at her.


She didn’t argue the point further. She had the information she needed from Sebastian, and as much as she would’ve liked to question the rest of Hayden’s bandmates, she wanted to speak to the authorities as soon as she could.

She was en route to the hospital when her phone rang and Cooper’s name was on the screen.

“How did you let this happen?” Cooper yelled at her. “You were supposed to be protecting him.”

“I don’t know what to say, Cooper. I was drugged, and his disappearance was out of my control.”

“You’re supposed to be the best. That’s what you told me. I don’t think the best would let this happen,” he snorted.

Tatiana had no defense to his words because he was right. She gritted her teeth and fought against the pain that was threatening to overwhelm her again. Hayden was gone. She loved him so much, and now he was in danger.

“This isn’t useful. I need to know what’s happening with the attempt to find Hayden.”

“It’s none of your business. You can consider your contract terminated. You’ll need to give a statement to the police and the agents on Hayden’s case, but your work with him is done. We have no further need for your services.”

Tatiana’s blood boiled, and she blew out a hiss of air as she attempted to control her anger. “My contract isn’t with you, Cooper. Unless Hayden fires me, I still work for him.”

“As soon as we get him back, I can assure you that he’ll be doing just that.”

“If you say so. In the meantime, I want to be kept informed with the attempts to find him,” she told him in a steely voice.

“I might not be able to fire you, Miss Swanson, but I do not have to engage with you further. Good luck with your future endeavors, and you’ll hear from our lawyers in regard to the ending of your contract.”