Page 154 of The Stalker

“I guess we’ll have to see,” he said in a pleasant voice.

The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open at the lobby. Tatiana scanned the lobby, but didn’t see anything concerning. People did double takes and turned to take pictures of Hayden and April as they walked toward the hotel restaurant, though.

April cringed and said, “I doubt Heather will be the only person marrying us off in their heads soon.”

“You’re probably right. People love a good rumor.”

Hayden’s annoyance was obvious, and Tatiana thought of the articles she’d read that had implied he was drunk driving when the stalker had run him off the road. She couldn’t imagine how frustrating it would be to have the entire world being told those kinds of lies about you.

As they approached the restaurant, April asked, “So, do you have to join us for dinner, Tati? You’re supposed to be with Hayden at all times, right?”

“I’ve got a table booked next to yours because I try not to infringe on my clients’ privacy when they’re on a date.” She gave April what she hoped was a professional smile.

“She also doesn’t expect to be in the room when I’m being intimate with someone.” He gave Tatiana a wicked grin, and she had to withhold laughter at how much things had changed.

“Correct. Live sex shows aren’t part of the gig.”

She couldn’t stop herself from laughing as she said it. Thankfully, April did as well, completely unaware that Hayden had actually ended up giving Tatiana a live sex show in the end.

They arrived at the restaurant where Hayden and April were shown to their table while Tatiana watched on and searched the restaurant for anything to be worried about. She didn’t see anything, but she was grateful when she was eventually seated at the table next to Hayden and April.

A waiter approached their table and asked both of them for their autographs before taking their order. Hayden and April signed a slip of paper, which the waiter thanked them for profusely before rushing off. A minute or two later, he appeared again to take Tatiana’s order.

Snippets of Hayden and April’s conversation reached her as they had drinks before their food arrived. They were talking about April’s upcoming movie.

“Shooting starts in less than a month. I’m so nervous. The script is good, though, and my agent says it’ll be a good move for me.”

“You need to have more faith in yourself. I bet it’ll be a box office smash, and in a year’s time, you’ll be wondering what you were so worried about.” Hayden smiled encouragingly at her.

“I’m glad you think that. So anyway, let’s talk about you. How’s the tour been going?”

“Great. Aside from the emails and gifts from my stalker.” His expression tightened, and he got the worried look on his face that Tatiana hated.

“But you’ve got Tatiana, at least,” April pointed out.

Hayden blinked at her. “What do you mean?”

Tatiana groaned internally because it was obvious that April meant for protection, but Hayden had taken it the wrong way.

“To keep you safe—wait, what else would I mean?”

Hayden ignored her question and said quickly, “Yeah, she’s great. And Jesse, of course. They’re making sure the stalker can’t get to me.”

It was blatantly obvious that he was trying to cover something up, and Tatiana sighed quietly. She was beginning to think this date may have been a terrible idea after all and was grateful when the waiter arrived with meals for Hayden and April, diverting the course of their conversation.

She was just finishing up her main course when the waiter brought Hayden and April their dessert orders. A few minutes later, Hayden excused himself and appeared at her side.

“Hey, Tati. I need to go to the bathroom, but I can wait until you’ve finished eating.” He smiled down at her and she felt soothed just from having him near her again.

She wiped her mouth with a napkin and dropped it on her plate before taking a big sip of her glass of water. “No, it’s fine. I was finished, anyway.”

She stood and led the way toward the bathrooms at the back of the restaurant. Other patrons turned to stare at Hayden as he passed them, and a few whispered his name as well.

As soon as they were out of earshot of April, Hayden murmured, “I’m ready to go back upstairs. I like April, but this is super awkward.”

Tatiana turned right into the corridor that led to the bathrooms and said, “I know. Not long, and we can go back to the suite.”

They passed the ladies’ room and walked into the men’s room. There was no door into the bathroom and they walked around a corner to go inside.