Page 153 of The Stalker

“Oh, that’s cool. You didn’t come to the Easy September tour?”

Tatiana shook her head and sighed. “No, I didn’t. I was so bummed. I had tickets, but I was on a contract, so my sister-in-law took my ticket and showed me pics when I got home.”

“That’s a shame.” April wrinkled her nose, then smiled at Tatiana. “I’m impressed by your dedication to your work, though. It sounds pretty intense, from what Heather has told me.”

Tatiana was flattered by the compliment, but shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t really have a choice. Once I’m on a contract, I can’t take time off until it’s complete. I knew when I bought the tickets that there was a chance I might not get to go, but I knew for sure that I wouldn’t get to go if I didn’t buy tickets!”

April laughed at Tatiana’s comment, and their attention was grabbed by Heather when she spoke to April with a cheeky grin on her face. “Are you looking forward to your date tonight?”

Tatiana looked back at April, who shrugged her shoulders before she looked over at Hayden and smiled. “We’ll have fun, right?”

“You two would make such a cute couple,” Ariana said with a smile at the pair, and Hayden flushed pink as well before looking over at Tatiana.

She really wished he wouldn’t. He looked like a deer caught in headlights, and as though he was somehow seeking her validation, which she realized he probably was. She worked to keep her expression neutral with a pleasant smile on her face, but she really wanted to try and send Hayden some kind of signal to keep cool.

“They really would,” Heather agreed. “I just think Hayden deserves someone better than Blake fucking Stirling. You’re both single, so I think it’s a match made in heaven!”

Tatiana didn’t dare another look at Hayden, but she had little doubt he would be feeling put on the spot. She desperately wanted to go over to him and hug him, knowing that they would both feel better if she did, but she forced herself to stay where she was. Tonight they would get to be together, and they had that to look forward to.

“Stop pressuring them, angel,” Harrison laughed. “They’ve agreed to go on a date. You don’t have to start designing a wedding gown for April.”

“Oooh, can I design your wedding gown, April?” Heather exclaimed with a grin.

“It’s just a date, Heather. Not an engagement party.” April rolled her eyes at her friend.

“I just meant in general. Whenever you do get married. I want to design your gown.”

Tatiana darted a glance at Hayden. This talk about weddings had reminded her of their conversation the other night. She had a very distinct image of him in a tuxedo while she walked toward him in a white dress, and her breath caught in her throat as their eyes met.

An intense longing for that reality swept over her, and she forced herself to look away from him. As she did, she caught Heather’s gaze instead. Hayden’s friend gave her a level stare and raised her eyebrows at her before smiling and turning away.

Stop fantasizing about the future and focus on the present.

Tatiana cursed herself internally for her momentary lapse. She should be better than this. Though, she already knew she wasn’t the best with Hayden, because she was emotionally involved.

She forced herself to keep her composure for the rest of their time with Hayden’s friends. They ordered room service for lunch once Sebastian and Lita joined them, then played poker afterward. Their time stretched out into the early evening, and, eventually, Hayden stood from where he was sitting and smiled at April.

“Well, we should get going, April. We have dinner reservations at six.”

“At six?” Sebastian scoffed. “Who has dinner at six?”

“April and I do tonight. It was a last-minute booking.” Hayden shrugged his shoulders casually as Tatiana stood and walked over to escort him and April to dinner.

“It gives them more time for after-dinner activities,” Heather said with a wicked grin on her face.

“Sure, let’s go with that,” Hayden laughed and shook his head. “I’ll see you guys later. Have a good night.”

They exchanged goodbyes with the group before Tatiana led the way out of the suite and down the corridor to the elevators.

As they were traveling downstairs, April said, “I’m pretty sure Heather has us married off in her head. What will our wedding be like, Hayden?”

Tatiana was standing next to him, and he stiffened slightly before relaxing. She kept her face firmly forward, watching their reflections in the elevator doors as Hayden turned to look at April.

“I want an intimate wedding. Just me, my future wife, and our closest friends and family. No big circus or people who are mild acquaintances. Only people I love will be there.”

Tatiana was overwhelmed with her love for him as he spoke. She envisioned it in her head, and she couldn’t stop a small smile from coming to her face because it sounded perfect. She shifted slightly so her arm touched Hayden’s, hoping that he understood how much she loved him.

“Oh dear, I’m not sure if things are going to work out between us, Hayden,” April laughed. “I loved Heather’s wedding with everyone there. I’ve always imagined a huge wedding. Is this a deal breaker for you?”