Page 143 of The Stalker

“I dislike not getting to be near you,” he said with a sigh.

“Me, too. Your friends coming on the bus means we’ll have to be apart for longer, too.”

She didn’t mean to let slip that she was in any way unhappy about the visit, but Hayden caught the meaning behind her words at once.

“I can always tell them I’m too tired to hang out tonight.”

She shook her head. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to guilt you into bailing on them. I’m looking forward to talking to April some more.”

“Good job with not fangirling too hard,” he grinned at her.

“I did my best. You do need to try to look a little less like you’re about to burst into song when you look at me, though. You’re going to give it away,” she teased him.

“You do make my heart sing.” He winked at her.

Her heart fluttered in her chest, and her love for him felt all-consuming. She couldn’t resist the urge to lean into him and wrap her arms around his waist.

“That’s cheesy as hell, Hayden Vega.”

“I know, but that’s why you love me.”

He put his arms around her and squeezed her tight. The rest of the world slipped away, and, secure in the knowledge that Jesse was safely outside, she allowed herself to relax a little.

She lifted her head and looked into his beautiful face. “Do you think we would be together if we’d met under different circumstances and hadn’t been forced to spend so much time with one another?”

“I can’t see any scenario where I wouldn’t fall madly in love with you. You could’ve been a barista at my local coffee shop, and I still would’ve fallen for you.”

“Probably even faster if I was your source of caffeine.” She smirked at him, and he chuckled.

“Almost certainly. What if I wasn’t a rock star? Ooh. What if I was attempting to assassinate a foreign leader you were protecting?”

She grinned at him. “I’d stop you for sure. Then, I’d hand you over to the authorities to deal with you…” she trailed off and waited until he feigned indignation before continuing. “Of course, I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about you. So I’d start writing you letters in prison. You’d reply, and when you got out, we’d make sweet, sweet love before riding off into the sunset together.”

He burst into laughter and squeezed her tightly again. “Fuck, I love you. I’m glad we met, no matter how it happened. I think I’ll probably always be grateful to my stalker on some level for bringing you into my life.”

Tatiana couldn’t say anything to that. It was too complicated and terrifying to think about. She hated the idea of a life without Hayden, but she couldn’t be grateful to his stalker for anything. She wanted them gone, but it was undeniable that they had brought her into his life.

These thoughts remained at the back of her mind throughout the concert. She saw Heather, Ariana, and April off to the side of the stage with their bodyguards as the band performed. The women seemed to be having an excellent time, though Ariana left them only five or six songs into the show.

When the band came offstage after the encore, Tatiana felt the usual sense of immense relief that she got whenever Hayden was finished with a concert. She stood back with Jesse while Hayden spent time talking with his friends and various crew members after the show.

It was a relief when there was nothing of interest in the small pile of gifts in Hayden’s room after the concert, either, and eventually, they made their way to the tour bus with Jesse. She did the usual role-play with the driver and informed him of the impending arrival of visitors before checking the bus while Jesse stood with Hayden near the front.

“All good, thanks, Jesse.” She smiled at him, and he nodded before heading to Harrison’s bus.

She locked the secure door, and Hayden slid his arms around her waist from behind. “I figure we’ve got about five minutes before my friends arrive. So, I’m going to enjoy them.”

Tatiana laughed and turned to face him, winding her arms around his neck and pressing her lips against his to kiss him.

“I love you, Mr. Vega.”

“We do not have time for that, but I’m more than happy to indulge you as soon as we do,” he chuckled.

He pulled her onto the sofa, and she rested her head against his chest while they cuddled and she listened to his heart beating there. She didn’t have long to enjoy this moment before there was a knock on the secure door.

Tatiana stood and was immediately guarded as she approached the door. “Who’s there?”

“Heather,” came a voice from the other side of it.