As soon as she had his permission, she allowed the feelings she’d been keeping at bay to hit her with full force. It wasn’t long before she moaned his name as her body shook in ecstasy and her orgasm took her over.
“Fuck, Tati,” Hayden grunted loudly as he came inside her. He collapsed on her and kissed her softly before saying, “I love you, preciosa.”
“I love you, too, Mr. Vega.”
“Thank you. That’s the end of our first scene. You can call me Hayden again.”
He smiled at her and climbed off her, then walked into the bathroom. The sound of running water reached her before he returned to the bed and pulled her into his arms.
“We’re going to take a bath,” he told her, and she nodded. “How are you feeling?”
“Strange,” she admitted. “It was good, though.”
He stroked her back gently. “There can be a comedown from BDSM scenes, because they bring a lot of hormones and brain chemicals to peaks you wouldn’t experience during regular intimacy, so what I’m going to do now is called ‘aftercare.’ Basically, just making sure you feel loved and cared for while you adjust after what we did.”
“Thank you, Hayden. Wow. It feels weird calling you that.”
He chuckled softly and said, “Yeah, part of the adjustment. It’s weird for me, too, but it’s not as big a comedown. I also haven’t done that for a long time.”
“Was it good for you?”
He smiled at her and nodded. “Yes, I enjoyed it a lot. It was especially good because it’s you, though. Let me just go check on the bath.”
He kissed her quickly and disappeared into the bathroom. The water turned off, and Hayden came back into the bedroom.
“We might need more water, but because there will be two of us in the bath, I thought I should turn it off to be sure.”
Hayden reached a hand out to her and Tatiana took it, allowing him to lead her into the bathroom. The room was warm and had a smell of roses that Tatiana assumed came from whatever he’d used to cause the bubbles in the bath.
He climbed into the bath, and Tatiana got in after him. His muscular legs were stretched out underneath her and she leaned back against his broad chest, with the water rising to just under her breasts. Hayden put some more water in the bath so her chest was covered, then wrapped his arms around her, and she sighed in contentment as she closed her eyes.
“This is nice,” she said.
“It is.” He gently stroked her arms and chuckled. “The first time we saw the bus, I tried to imagine what it would be like to have you in this bath with me.”
Tatiana’s heart began to race, and she smiled. “I thought you were going to get naked, and I told myself that you’d never get naked for me.”
“I guess we were both wrong, since I wasn’t able to successfully imagine how good this feels.” Hayden kissed her neck softly, and they fell silent.
It felt as though she’d gone to sleep and landed in a dream world. She’d met the most amazing man who she was coming to love more deeply than anyone before, and who she felt loved her back just as deeply.
Today’s sex session had been intense, from trying the kink she’d wanted to indulge in for years through to trying the kink she hadn’t known she would like. Hayden had made her feel secure and loved the whole time, though. She closed her eyes, and her entire body relaxed as she melted against him in the hot water.
Hayden kissed her again, and his lips were soft and warm against her skin. She lay in the bath for a long time, luxuriating in the feeling and enjoying the peace she felt. Nothing could be more perfect than spending time like this with Hayden.
Yes. But don’t forget that he has a stalker. So don’t get too comfortable.
Tatiana’s entire body tensed up again at the thought. She could relax with him here on the bus, but she could never allow herself to truly forget the reason she’d come into his life.
“What’s wrong?”
Tatiana sighed and turned her head and torso to look up into his eyes. “Just thinking about your stalker.”
“Don’t think about them. Not here and not now. Try to just relax.”
Tatiana tried, but now that the thought was in her head, she couldn’t stop it from taking seed in her mind. She thought about the latest emails and was unable to get back to the calm sense of peace she’d had before.
She stayed in the bath with Hayden for another short while before she sighed and said, “I’m ready to get out now.”