Page 133 of The Stalker

Despite herself, Tatiana was getting wet and was about a heartbeat away from dragging him into the bathroom stall to have her way with him when the door began to open behind her. She spun around, immediately on alert, to see who was entering the room.

She found herself looking into Harrison’s smiling face. “Everything okay? Heather sent me in here to check on you. She thought you’d been gone too long.”

“All good, I was just suffering stage fright about going in front of Tatiana,” Hayden laughed as he closed the stall door behind him.

One day. She’d been fucking Hayden Vega for one day, and already they’d broken basically all of her rules for his safety and almost been caught by his friends.

This is going to end badly.


My love,

Why would you do this? How could you betray me with her? This hurts. I suspected for some time that something was going on with you, but to see it like this is painful.

I know that you love me and this will pass. When we’re together, she’ll be nothing but a memory. No more boyfriends. No more groupies. Nobody but me.

Here I am, preparing for our life together, and you’re doing this. I hope that you feel ashamed of yourself, but I will forgive you the moment you swear your love to me.