Page 129 of The Stalker

He smiled at her, stepped forward, and wrapped his arm around her waist. He pulled her roughly against himself, lowered his head, and kissed her neck before moving his lips to her ear.

“I noticed that’s not a no. I’ll spend the next five hours thinking about you naked and calling me ‘Sir,’ and you can spend the next five hours thinking about me bending you over whatever the nearest surface is and fucking you.” He gently nipped her earlobe with his teeth, then stood up and grinned at her before saying in a normal voice, “Okay, let’s go, Tati.”

Before she could change her mind and tell him she did want to go back to the bedroom after all, Hayden stepped around her and opened the door to the suite. Tatiana blinked at him, trying to calm her mind despite the fact that she was drenching her underwear, and looked up into Hayden’s mischievous face.

“After you, I guess?” He smiled at her and ran his gaze over her body.

Her nipples were stiff and painful, and she ached to be filled by him. Somehow, she still managed to ignore that and walk through the door as though everything was fine.

There were bodyguards in the hallway, and this was the first time she was seeing any of them since she’d started sleeping with Hayden. The same as with Jesse this morning, she firmly ignored the shame she felt at getting involved with a client and nodded at Benjamin and Ross as she passed them before they entered Gabriel and Ariana’s suite.

“Hi, guys,” Ariana greeted them with a friendly smile. “Come on in.”

“Hey, Ariana,” Hayden said.

“Morning, Ariana,” Tatiana smiled at her.

“Did we decide what we all want to do today?” Hayden asked as Tatiana nodded at the bodyguards standing at the entrance of the suite while Ariana led them toward the suite’s living room.

“I want to play pool,” Sebastian answered.

“Shocker,” Hayden said dryly, then his face brightened and he grinned. “Heather! I didn’t think we were seeing you for another couple of weeks.”

She was sitting on Harrison’s lap on an armchair at the side of the room. Tatiana walked over to the windows and turned to face the room in time to see Hayden giving Heather a hug.

“Hi, darling. It’s so good to see you. I thought I'd surprise you all because I miss you so much,” Heather said before dropping her bottom lip to make an obvious sad face.

“Mostly me, though. Right, lover?” Sebastian looked up from Mirabella, who was swaddled in a green blanket and sleeping in his arms, to give Heather a cheeky grin.

“Of course,” Heather laughed. “I thought that went without saying!”

“And yet I felt the need to hear you say it, anyway.” Sebastian winked at her.

Hayden sat in an armchair near Tatiana, and he looked over to smile at her. Arousal flooded through her, and she wished that she were back in bed with him, but she raised an eyebrow at him, trying to remind him not to look at her too often. She didn’t know if he’d gotten the message, but he turned back to look at his friends again.

“I’m up for a game of pool,” he told the group.

“I’ll do pool as long as Lita plays Sebastian and not me,” Heather smirked.

Sebastian laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “Fine by me.”

Gabriel called down to the concierge and found out the name of a pool hall nearby, while Tatiana left the group and talked to the rest of the bodyguards about their security plans for the trip. They ended up leaving the hotel via the back entrance and took two white vans to the pool hall.

Tatiana was in a van with Hayden, Harrison, and Heather, along with Michael, and Callum Archer, Heather’s bodyguard. She sat next to Hayden, with him at the window, and he rested his hand between them before he softly stroked the flesh of her exposed outer thigh with his pinky finger. She turned to look at him, and he smiled at her.

“So, how have you been now that Blake is out of your life?” Heather asked from the row behind them.

Hayden turned in his seat to face her, allowing his hand to slide up Tatiana’s thigh as he did. Her heart raced in her chest, and she forced herself not to react in any obvious way.

He shrugged his shoulders and said, “I’m not exactly missing him.”

As he said it, he resumed his soft stroking of her skin. Tatiana was getting wet, and on some level, she knew that this was bordering on breaking her rules about being professional in public. She didn’t deem there to be any safety risk right now, though, so she allowed herself to enjoy the feeling of his touch.

“Good. You shouldn’t miss that fucker,” Heather scoffed.

“Tell us how you really feel, angel,” Harrison laughed.

“Well, it’s true,” she said. There was silence for a few seconds before Heather spoke again. “Why did Blake think you were sleeping with Tatiana, though?”