Page 128 of The Stalker

“I had a couple of partners years and years ago who I Dommed. Then Cruise Control started getting famous, so I haven’t really done it since then.” He smiled at her and chuckled, “It doesn’t stop some famous people I know, but there’s a lot of trust involved in BDSM. If I can’t trust the person not to tell the whole world about it, then there’s no joy in doing it.”

She took some time to think about what he’d told her. The fact that he would share this with her made her love him more, and she smiled at him.

“I’m learning a lot of things about you, Hayden Vega. I’m honored that you trust me enough to tell me that.”

He kissed her softly, then grinned cheekily at her. “Well, I figured that if you’re going to let me try to fuck your ass, I can probably trust you with my sexual secrets.”

“You can. I promise I’ll never tell anyone, and I’ll even keep a handy cyanide capsule in case anyone tries to pry them out of me.”

Hayden kissed her again, expertly and thoroughly exploring her mouth with his tongue. He lowered a hand to her breast and played with it while they kissed. When he ended it, they were both breathing heavily.

He looked into her eyes and said solemnly, “No cyanide capsule, though. I don’t want to live without you.”

“No cyanide capsule,” she promised as seriously as if she’d actually planned on having one for this purpose.

He smiled and kissed her again. Tatiana lay with her arm over Hayden’s torso and her head resting on his chest, listening to his heart beating there.

You’d better keep that beating because you won’t survive it if you don’t.

Her fear of him coming to harm was intense, and she needed more than anything in the world to keep him alive and safe. The idea of Hayden being hurt had been physically painful before they’d gotten together. Now it was even more unbearable. She squeezed him with her arms, and he squeezed her back.

She turned her face up to smile at him. “I love you, Hayden.”

“I love you, too. It’s so nice being able to say that.”

“It’s so nice hearing it,” she grinned at him.

He chuckled and pulled her up to kiss him. They lay together for a few more minutes before they got out of bed and ordered room service for breakfast. When they finished eating, Tatiana began to lead the way out of their suite, but Hayden pulled her into his arms from behind just before she reached the door.

He spun her around and pressed his lips against hers. She parted her lips, and he deepened their kiss, pulling her hard against himself as he did. When their kiss ended, they were both breathless as they stared into one another’s eyes.

He murmured, “Sorry. I’m just aware that I won’t get to do that for many hours now.”

“I wish we could be more public with our relationship, but we can’t. Your safety will always be the number one priority. I love you too much to risk doing anything that might cause you to come to harm. Being with you at all is risky enough.”

“But worth it, right?” He winked at her, and she laughed.

Tatiana kissed him again, then said, “Yes. Totally worth it.”

As long as he doesn’t fucking die, Tatiana!

A stab of fear shot through her heart, but she pushed it away and kissed him again before pulling herself out of his embrace, despite how wrong it felt doing so.

“Okay, Mr. Vega. Let’s go see your friends.”

Hayden chuckled, “Calling me that will be a dead giveaway. You’ve only ever called me Hayden.” He smirked at her, “Harrison will think you’re my sub or something.”

Heat rushed to her cheeks. “Will he now?”

“Indeed, he will. Since I’m very committed to all of your rules, you should probably stick with Hayden.”

“Yes, Sir,” she grinned cheekily at him.

Hayden raised an eyebrow at her and said in a low, seductive tone, “Are you trying to bring out my inner Dom or something? Because I have no qualms about bailing on my friends and taking you back to the bedroom if that’s what you want.”

Tatiana shivered as a thrill of excitement and arousal darted through her body. She’d never tried BDSM, and she wondered if some aspects of it would actually be triggering for her. That was a conversation for another time, though.

“I don’t think now is the time or the place for that to be explored, since hotel rooms are basically one of the most insecure places we spend any of our time. Let’s go see your friends, Hayden.”