“I love you, too, preciosa. I think I’ve been in love with you for some time. You don’t know what you’ve been doing to me,” he chuckled.
She turned her face up to look at him and smiled. “I think that I have some idea.”
“No, you don’t. It’s been unbearable to have you so close, but so far. I would see it in you, and you’d let me in, but then you would push me away again.”
She could see the hurt in his eyes, and she hated herself for it. “I’m sorry, Hayden. I was trying to do the right thing, but I never, ever wanted to hurt you. You have me, and I have you. I will do everything I can to keep you safe because I don’t ever want to let you get hurt by anyone again, not even me.”
You’d better not fucking hurt him, Tatiana, or you’ll be no better than Blake Stirling.
She promised herself that she wouldn’t pull away from him anymore. Now that she had committed herself to him and admitted to them both that she loved him, she knew there was no turning back.
Hayden didn’t say anything straight away, just smiled at her and softly stroked her back with his hand. Finally, he kissed her and their tongues intertwined as he did. He held her tightly against him, and she had never felt more at peace or more satiated. It was as though a missing piece of herself had finally been slotted into place.
When their kiss ended, Hayden said, “I appreciate that. I promise never to hurt you, either.” He smirked at her for a second, then added, “Except when I give you so many orgasms that it’s painful.”
My love,
I don’t doubt your love for me, but I do wonder why, sometimes. I am concerned that you don’t seem as committed to me as I am to you.
I know that you’re getting these emails, so why? Why would you want to hurt me? Why would you not understand the depth of my devotion to you? Why would you not be waiting as patiently for me as I am for you?
I have so many questions, and I hate myself for that. I don’t want to question your love, so please don’t give me a reason to. I need to know that you’re committed to the future I’m building for us.
I’m hurting, but I still love you deeply and with my entire being.