Tatiana walked over to stand in front of Hayden and raised an eyebrow at him. “Should I?”
“Yeah. I mean, he doesn’t have a stalker, so there’s that.”
He looked up at her, his face impassive, and she couldn’t tell at all what he was thinking. She thought about what he’d said and frowned at him.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were jealous, Hayden Vega.”
It doesn’t matter if he’s jealous. You can’t date anyone right now.
The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them, and her heart was pounding in her chest. She’d meant to tell him that she couldn’t date while she was on a contract, not accuse him of being jealous of Daniel.
“Not really jealous as such, more envious that he doesn’t have a stalker, and I do. I guess I would probably be jealous if you did get into a relationship with him, though.” Hayden shrugged.
Pleasure at his words flared within her, even though she knew it shouldn’t. She liked the idea that Hayden wanted her and that he would be jealous if she were with someone else.
Which is terrible. You are far too close to him. This is dangerous, Tatiana. Very, very dangerous.
She dropped onto the sofa next to Hayden, much closer than she should have done because she landed directly next to him, with their thighs and shoulders touching. His breathing rate increased as she settled on the seat, and Tatiana swallowed heavily. She could smell him as well, and his scent was always arousing for her.
“It doesn’t matter because I can’t get into a relationship with anyone, whether they have a stalker or not. I don’t have time off when I’m on a contract, so I can hardly go out on dates. Even if I could, Daniel is just a friend, a friendly face backstage.”
Do. Not. Continue.
“He’s not the person I think about when I’m lying in bed at night, that’s for sure.”
For fuck’s sake.
She couldn’t breathe. She knew she shouldn’t have said it. Why the hell she constantly felt the need to make it clear to Hayden that she was down to fuck was beyond her. Because she kept trying to put boundaries in place with him, but then she consistently pushed those boundaries as much as he did.
Hayden turned his head toward her, and when she turned her face to look at him, his eyes were dark with desire. “Tell me who you do think about, Tati.” She shook her head, and he smiled seductively at her. “I’ll take your silence as an answer, then.”
He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him for a hug.
Stop this, Tatiana! Now!
Even as a sense of peace and calm washed over her, she forced herself to say, “Hayden. I can’t do this.”
“I just want to hold you, Tati. You said your arms were always open.”
Tatiana was tired of resisting, and she didn’t have it in her to do it right now. So she rested her head on his chest, wrapped an arm around him, and pretended that everything was different.
My love,
It feels as though time has slowed again. I’m having a bad day, I’ll admit, that’s why I’m writing to you. It helps me to remember how important you are to me and exactly why I’m being so patient.
I long for our life together, and I want you to know that you will love it. I am collecting books that I think you will like, so you have some on hand to read. You won’t be a prisoner, my love. You will love me, and you will never want to leave me. I know this deep within my heart.
We will spend our days talking and reading books. Taking long walks together. I can’t pretend that I don’t think about our sex life, either. I’m prepared for that, as well. I would be lying if I hadn’t thought many nights as I lie in bed alone about all the things we will do together in the future.
I have imagined many times the ways in which I can pleasure your body with mine. Of how it will be when you give yourself to me and I give myself to you. When we truly become one, it will be glorious and magical.
Yours in ecstasy as I think about you.