I lean across and whisper into her ear, “You’re very sexy, Maddy. Do you like sex?”
I pull my head back a fraction; she turns her face to mine, and our lips are only an inch apart when she says, “Fuck yes, I like sex.”
“Do you want to come up to my hotel suite?” I ask her, slowly running my hand down her bare arm.
“Yes, I do.” She nods her head quickly, then grabs my hand and holds it up in front of her face to look at it, and I grin at her. “I’ve seen you play guitar, and I think you could do amazing things with these hands.”
“I definitely can,” I confirm. “I’m glad you want to have sex, Maddy. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted sex more, not even with Heather.” I smile at the mention of my fiancée, because she is so fucking sexy.
“What about Heather?” Maddy asks me slowly, as though she’s trying to grasp onto an idea that’s slipping away from her.
“Heather loves sex, and she’d want me to have sex tonight, I just know it. If she was here, I would fuck her so hard. I had phone sex with her earlier, and I promised to do that to her tomorrow. She loves sex so much and I love having sex with her. We should go have sex,” I tell Maddy in a rush.
“That sounds fucking hot,” she tells me. “Okay, let’s go.”
“We’re going,” I announce to the table, taking Maddy’s hand in mine as we stand up.
I realize that Hayden has disappeared, along with Adam. Cooper is staring blindly at the centerpiece on the table while apparently having some conversation with Samuel. Gabriel and Ariana are making out next to me. Meanwhile, Sebastian is on the dance floor, grinding against a blonde woman in a black dress who reminds me of Heather. I smile at the thought of her and a shot of arousal heads to my crotch.
Helen gives me a concerned look and asks, “Harrison, what are you doing?”
I’m horny as fuck and about ready to bend Maddy over where we are, so I don’t understand what her problem is.
“What do you mean?” I ask her, confused by her reaction.
“Where are you going with Maddy?”
“We’re going upstairs to my hotel suite,” I shrug.
“That’s not a good idea, Harrison,” she frowns at me.
I shake my head. She’s being weird. This is the best idea I’ve ever had.
“I don’t know why you’re being weird, Helen. We’re leaving,” I laugh.
Maddy laughs with me, and we walk away from the table. The whole world has this weird glow, and the music that’s playing seems strange. I can hear the beats and rhythms in a way that I don’t normally hear them. I wonder if I could write a song that matched this.
Oh, that’s dumb. This song already exists.
We leave the ballroom that the event’s being held in and make our way toward the lobby. As soon as we’re in the hallway, I press Maddy up against the wall and begin to kiss her. She kisses me back, and I can feel her soft body against mine. My cock springs to attention and I can’t stop it.
We kiss for some time, then I tell her breathlessly, “Let’s get to a bed.”
She nods her head, and we make our way to the elevators. I press the up button, then pull Maddy against me and kiss her again. The elevator dings and the doors open, but I ignore them, continuing to kiss Maddy instead of getting in. She tastes like the wine we’ve been drinking, which is amazing, and I’m desperate to fuck her, but I also don’t want to stop doing this.
A man taps me on my shoulder and I ignore him until he taps harder and says, “Excuse me, sir?”
“Yes?” I ask him after breaking my kiss with Maddy.
“Do you need help getting to your room?” he asks.
I sigh and shake my head. “No, I don’t.”
I walk into the elevator and Maddy follows me. I stare at the panel of buttons. I can’t remember my room number. I’m on the fifteenth floor, I think. I’m not sure. The doors start to close, and I hold my arm out to stop them.
“Um, dude?” I call out.
The man turns to look at me and asks, “Yes, sir?”