“Why did I not know about this?”
I still can’t quite believe it. The thought that Gabriel was in such a bad place, and I had no idea, is painful. I hate that I wasn’t there for him when he needed me.
“You were busy with Heather.” Sebastian finally speaks, but he’s not looking at me. Instead, he’s staring out the windows towards the lake.
I frown at him. “That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have wanted to be there for Gabriel, too.”
“I did the best I could, Harrison.” Sebastian turns to glare at me. “I was scared shitless and more concerned that our friend didn’t kill himself than with who knew what exactly. Gabriel told me, and I figured that if he wanted to tell anyone else, that was up to him to do, and not me.”
I meet his glare, turning these words over in my brain before I sigh and nod at him. “I’m sorry. You’re right, of course. It wouldn’t have been your place to tell me.”
Things begin to fall into place in my brain. All of Sebastian's behavior since Ariana came back makes a lot more sense. His unwillingness to forgive her and the way he’s treated her is more understandable.
“It was still a long time ago, Sebastian. I get why you’re angry, but she really has changed. Look at everything that she’s done since they got back together, and you can’t tell me that she isn’t different now,” Hayden says softly.
Sebastian shrugs and looks out the window. “Maybe. I just can’t forget.”
Hayden looks at me, and I don’t know what to say to that. I’m still trying to process what he’s told us. I can see his reasoning, but I also agree with Hayden. Ariana is a lot different from the way she was in the past, and I don’t think that she’s going to leave Gabriel again. Only time will prove that to Sebastian, though. Nothing we say to him today is going to change his mind.
“Should we get out? I’m kind of done in the pool,” Sebastian says.
I nod, and there’s a somber mood in our group as we leave the pool. I head upstairs and get dressed, still thinking over what Sebastian told us. I wonder if Heather knows about it, but I doubt it. I’m not even sure that I want to tell her. I can see why Sebastian didn’t tell me back then, because it very much feels like it’s not my place to mention it to her. I also don’t want to add to her reasons for hating Ariana.
When Gabriel and Ariana return from their walk, they’re happy and smiling. I look at them, unable to stop myself from looking at her differently with the knowledge I have now. At the same time, she’s still the same friendly, happy woman that has proven herself time and again since they got back together.
She doesn’t expect forgiveness from either Sebastian or Heather, and she hasn’t ended her relationship with Gabriel, even when a reporter took advantage of her. Hayden is right—she’s changed. Hopefully, in time, Sebastian and Heather will both see that.
The rest of Ariana’s two-day visit passes without incident. We finish recording the song on the second day, and Sebastian seems less cold toward her in general. I wonder if something Hayden said actually got through to him.
I keep hearing his words about Gabriel in my head, although it’s hard to see her as being bad for him at all when they’re together. It’s blatantly obvious how happy he is. They’re both so clearly in love, and no matter what has happened in the past, Gabriel is no longer in that dark place.
When she’s leaving, Ariana says, “I’ll be back on Tuesday. I’m bummed I won’t be able to be here for your birthday next Friday, Hayden.”
She gives him a sad smile and hugs him.
“You could always drive down for the evening?” he suggests.
“Unfortunately, I’ve got a house to show early on Saturday. I’m sure you’ll have a great day, though, as long as these guys don’t work you too hard,” she jokes.
“I’m taking the day off to celebrate, and Ally’s flying in from New York.” He grins at her.
“Good!” She turns to me and gives me a hug as well. “It was good to see you, Harrison. I hope you have a great time with Heather this weekend.”
I realize that she’s probably decided not to come for Hayden’s birthday in case it causes tension with Heather being here, and I’m saddened by it. The past is definitely in the past, and I’m confident that Ariana won’t hurt Gabriel again.
“You know you can still come even if Heather’s here,” I say quietly.
She gives me a small smile and says, “I really do have to show a house. I’m going to write her a letter, though. Try to explain myself and apologize again for what I did to her. Gabriel can give it to her for me, and hopefully she’ll read it.”
I look at her as she says this, and she’s fidgeting with her top as we talk. I can tell that she’s nervous about the idea of putting herself out there for Heather again, and I remember the night at Sebastian’s apartment. It reaffirms for me the fact that Ariana is in this for the long haul because she’s making every effort to make amends where she can.
This is confirmed when she turns to Sebastian and smiles at him. “Thank you so much for having me out here, Sebastian. It really is a beautiful house, and I’m honored to have been able to visit.”
“No problem. Thanks for coming.”
He gives her a brief hug, and I raise my eyebrows at Hayden, who smiles at me. Maybe, there is light at the end of the tunnel, after all.
* * *