She reaches between us and softly strokes my cock with her hand, causing me to moan.
“Okay, socializing,” she announces before jumping up out of bed.
“Evil!” I call after her as she rushes to the bathroom.
I follow her, and she’s still laughing while she turns the shower on when I enter the room. We shower together, and I pull her against me under the water, kissing her deeply as I reach between her legs to rub her clit.
“Do you like that, angel?” I ask as she bites her lip and closes her eyes.
She nods her head and groans. I kiss her again, continuing to do so while I finger her until she comes, loudly moaning my name as she does. I kiss her, then use the loofah and body wash to clean her as well as myself, before we get out of the shower and get dressed to go downstairs.
“Finally decided that we’re worthy of your company?” Hayden grins at us when we walk into the room where the other three guys are playing pool.
“We figured we weren’t missing much; we’ve seen Seb whoop your ass at pool plenty of times before,” Heather smirks at him.
“Ouch! You know how to cut deep, lady. Today’s the day I’ll finally beat him; I can feel it.”
Heather glances over at the pool table. Hayden has about twice as many balls left as Sebastian does. She laughs and pats him on the back as she walks past him, “You keep telling yourself that, darling.”
Heather sits down on a stool next to Gabriel at the side of the room while I head over to the bar that’s in the corner of the room to pour us some drinks.
“By the way, you don’t need to worry, Heather,” Sebastian says, as he chalks his pool cue before lining up his next shot, “I made sure that all the rooms in this house were soundproofed before I moved in. We couldn’t hear a thing.”
She, Hayden, and I all laugh, while Gabriel looks confused.
“Seb had the room next to us in New York,” I tell him as an explanation.
Gabriel continues to look confused for a second until his expression clears, and he laughs out loud, “Well, that doesn’t seem like it would be too awkward at all.”
“They gave usquitethe show,” Sebastian nods at Gabriel, “honestly, it seemed kind of deliberate to me. I think Heather just wanted to make sure she had a permanent place in my spank bank.”
“Shut up, asshole,” she says. “You know that’s not true!”
“Are you sure, Heather?” I frown very seriously at her, then continue, “I mean, you wereveryloud that day. I just thought it was because I was a sex god, but the more I think about it…” I trail off and raise my eyebrows at her.
“Don’t you start.” She laughs. “You know that I didn’t know Sebastian was staying next to us until afterward!”
“What I’m hearing,” Gabriel says with a wicked grin, “is that your inner exhibitionist doesn’t carewhois in the next room, as long assomeonehears you. It just happened to be Sebastian on this occasion.”
“You guys suck balls,” she growls at us.
“Wait, isn’t that whatyouwere doing in New York?” Hayden laughs at her glare.
“I’m not discussing this further. Yes, honey, you’re a fucking sex god.” I grin at her assessment of my skill in the bedroom, visions of her screaming my name coming to mind. “These guys are just jealous that they’re not as good in bed as you are.”
She blows me a kiss to emphasize her point and laughs when the other guys try to defend their honor to her. I chuckle to myself as I listen to them while I make the drinks.
“Just shut up and play pool,” she says and sticks her tongue out at Sebastian.
He laughs before he takes his next shot. I walk over to Heather and hand her a vodka and orange juice. She thanks me with a kiss on my cheek as she takes it off me.
“How is Ariana?” she asks Gabriel.
“She’s good, really good.” His voice and expression soften as he talks about her.
“Is she coming up this weekend?”
“Unfortunately, not. She’s working as a real estate agent now, so she has to do open houses pretty much every weekend. She’s worked out with her boss to take a couple of days off each week this month to come up here, but they have to be mid-week to have the least effect on her work,” he shrugs.