She quickly looks down at the control panel and presses a button there. I’m still watching her when her expression turns to one of pure horror. Her eyes go completely wide, and she slaps her hand over her open mouth. I can’t hear her, but I’m positive that she just gasped.
“What’s wrong, Heather?” I ask.
She shakes her head but doesn’t say anything, still looking stunned. I rush into the control room, followed by Sebastian, Hayden, and Gabriel.
“What’s wrong?” I repeat.
She turns to us, still wearing that look of horror. “I think I deleted the song.”
“Let me look,” Hayden says.
Heather slides off the chair and stands aside as Hayden takes her place. I hate seeing her so distressed, and I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her.
“I’m so sorry,” Heather mumbles into my chest.
“It’s fine,” I tell her, rubbing her back softly.
“Yup, it’s gone,” Hayden confirms, and cringes. “Luckily, the click track is safe. So, we just need to start from the scratch track.”
“I’msosorry, guys,” Heather turns to look at them to say this before turning back to hug me tightly.
I look at Gabriel and Sebastian over her head. They give each other a look, then look back at us.
“Don’t worry about it, lover. We can record it again, no harm done.”
“We’ll do it even better this time, too,” Gabriel chimes in with a reassuring smile at her when she turns her head to look at them again.
“Yeah, those vocals were a bit shit anyway, Gabriel,” Sebastian teases him.
Gabriel grins at him. “You’re totally right. Heather did us a favor. We almost released a shit song.”
“I don’t believe either of you, but thanks, guys.” Heather smiles at them.
Hayden lets her sit back at the control panel, and we go back through the process of recording the song again. I decide against trying to get Heather aroused this time, allowing her to stay completely focused on her temporary job as our sound engineer.
By the time Heather presses the button that plays back the song in its entirety, we’re all ecstatic with how good it is. She’s sitting on the chair in front of the controls, I’m standing behind her with my arms wrapped around her and resting my head on hers as we listen to it.
“First single?” Heather asks us when the song ends.
“You haven’t even heard any of the other songs we’ve recorded,” Gabriel grins at her.
“I know a hit when I record one.” She flips her hair and gives him a haughty look.
“Just how many songs have you got under your recording belt, then, Heather?” Hayden teases her.
“Well, just the one, but it was a good one. You should hear it sometime! Probably, when it becomes the first single off the new album for this awesome band that I know.”
I laugh, then spin the chair around so she’s facing me. I drop my lips to hers and kiss her softly. Heather winds her arms around my neck and leans back in the chair, pulling me down against her and slipping her tongue into my mouth as she does so. I take a step close to her, and she wraps her legs around me, crossing them behind me, as we continue our kiss.
“You guys are aware that I have more rooms in this house than the one we’re currently in, right?” Sebastian drawls at us.
I’d forgotten for a second that we had an audience. I was enjoying having Heather back with me too much.
I break our kiss to say, “Good point, Seb. I think I’ll just help Heather take her luggage to our room. It’s currently in the entryway, and I’d hate for someone to trip over it or something.”
“Sounds like a real safety hazard,” Gabriel grins at me, “you should definitely get right on that.”
For maybe the first time in our lives, Heather seems unable to say anything. I take her hand in mine, and she waves at the guys as I lead her out of the room. We head back up the stairs, and I retrieve her suitcase from near the front door. I lead her up the sweeping staircase that comes off the entry hall. It leads to an upper level of the house, where the bedrooms are.