“Wow, how fascinating. I’m surprised no one’s ever thought of this before.”
I grin at their stupid conversation, wondering how long they’ll continue the joke. It’s almost always too long, but never fails to be amusing.
“Look, we were shocked, too. It’s pretty new and different, but we think it could bebig.” His eyes widen at our apparent discovery and fake wonder at the possibilities it entails.
“Well, I wish you the very best of luck with that. I’m sure it’ll catch on.”
“If you two are finished,” Hayden interrupts them, and they finally break character to burst into laughter, “maybe if we finish this song, we could take a break.”
I’m very much looking forward to this break, so I decide to remind Heather of what we’ll be doing later.
“You want me to take a break, don’t you, Heather?” I raise an eyebrow at her and give her a meaningful look.
“Yes, yes, I do. Go forth, my music men! Discover new worlds and let me fuck my fiancé!”
We all laugh, but I’m definitely aroused as I head back into the studio with Sebastian and Gabriel. Heather stays in the control room, sitting on the sofa behind Hayden to watch us.
We go back to the song about rules, with the actual lyrics we’ve been using, not the joke ones Gabriel was singing to Sebastian before. As we work through the song, we’ll occasionally get Heather’s opinion, and it’s good to have feedback from a third party.
“I think it should be ‘there’s a lot of rules to break,’” Sebastian says.
“I like, ‘we still need rules to break.” Gabriel frowns at him, then turns to the glass window and says, “Heather?’”
She presses the button and leans toward the microphone. “Sing both lines for me?” Gabriel sings both of the lines, and Heather considers for a second before saying, “We still need rules to break sounds better. The extra syllable in Sebastian’s line is off-putting.”
We finish writing the song, and Heather joins me in the studio with Gabriel while Hayden and Sebastian work on the click track in the control room. She sits on my lap while I sit on the armchair, and I softly stroke her arm as we talk.
“It seems like you guys are enjoying having more control over the process,” Heather says.
Gabriel nods. “Yup, it’s pretty awesome. Nobody from the record label is hovering over us and dictating what they think sounds good or not.”
“Will they let you just release whatever you want, though?” she asks.
I chuckle and shake my head. “Uh, no. I doubt it. We’ll still have to convince them that what we’ve made is good.”
“We have a little more weight with them, now, though.” Gabriel smiles at me.
“True. We’ve made them plenty of money. Proven ourselves with our last two albums.”
“And this one will be amazing, no doubt,” Heather laughs.
I wrap my arms around her and pull her back against me, turning her face to mine and kissing her.
“Yes, it will be,” I agree.
When the click track is done, Hayden spends some time showing Heather how to use the control panel so that she can start and stop the recordings for us. It means that Hayden can stop running back and forth between the two rooms as much as he has been.
Sebastian records the scratch track first, and when that’s done, we record Hayden’s drums before I get to lay down the bass. I’m amazed again by how beautiful this guitar is to play. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it. I do need them to make a small change on the pickups, but other than that, it’s completely perfect.
We record Gabriel’s piano, and when it’s finished, Hayden goes into the control room to show Heather how to delete the scratch track. Sebastian records the guitar, and we move on to the vocals.
Gabriel’s singing lead on the song, so he sings the lead vocals first. I sit on a stool and watch Heather as he sings. She’s so beautiful, and I love having her here to take part in this. She catches my eye as Gabriel finishes singing.
I smile at her and raise an eyebrow at her, allowing my gaze to dart to her chest. She stares back at me and bites her bottom lip before smirking at me. My cock stirs in my jeans and I can’t wait to take her upstairs.
“Cool, save that, Heather,” Hayden says.
Heather presses the button to talk to us and says, “Sure.”