Heather looks down at the stunning dress that she wore for the show and grins back at her. “No, I guess we’re not.”
I wrap my arms around Heather and pull her closer to me for a kiss. My fiancée is a successful fashion designer, and today has been just as good as I thought it would be.
For some time now, rumors have been flying around that Cruise Control are on the verge of breaking up. Much speculation has been made about a possible affair between Heather York and lead guitarist, Sebastian Fox, despite her being engaged to bass guitarist, Harrison Fletcher.
Both men were present at Heather’s debut at New York Fashion Week for her clothing line, Serenity, last month. However, the band seems to have slipped out of the public eye this month.
The band are regularly seen partying together at Chicago hot spots, but lately they’ve been spotted out with different people more often. This has added fuel to the fire with people guessing that this is a sign that the beginning of the end for Cruise Control is in sight.
Now, they’ve gone missing altogether, with none of the band members being seen in public at all in October. It remains to be seen what this will mean for the band going forward.
Thank Fuck it’s Friday!
“Wake up, Harrison,” Gabriel says while shaking me.
“What the fuck?” I groan as I roll onto my back and blink in the semi-darkness.
I don’t know what’s happening, but Gabriel’s standing over my bed and there’s light streaming into the room from the open door.
“I’ve got an idea for a song, and I need your help.” He grins at me.
I yawn and struggle into a seated position against the blankets I’m entangled in. I squint at Gabriel as my eyes adjust to the light.
“What time is it?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know…about three, or something? I had this weird dream and so I wanted to write a song about it. I’ve got lyrics, but I need help with the music.”
I yawn again. I’m tired, but Gabriel’s excitement is obvious, so he’s probably got a good idea.
“Okay. Let me go to the bathroom, and I’ll come help.”
“Awesome. I’ll go wake Hayden and Seb.”
After I’ve put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, I head into the hallway just in time to hear Sebastian swearing at Gabriel.
“It’s almost three in the motherfucking morning. Get the fuck out of here.”
Hayden’s standing at the entrance to Sebastian’s bedroom, and he looks around to grin at me. His hair is a mess, and he’s wearing a similar outfit to mine.
He turns back to the open bedroom door and calls out, “Are you a musician or not, Sebastian Fox?”
“Fuck off. I’m a better musician than you, asshole,” Sebastian growls.
“Come and prove it, then,” Hayden taunts him.
“Ugh. Well, I’m fucking awake now, anyway. So I might as well. Get the fuck out of my room, Gabriel, so I can put clothes on.”
He appears back in the hallway and Gabriel grins at us as he closes the bedroom door behind him.
“So, Sebastian’s on board for the song,” he tells us as if we haven’t heard the entire exchange.
“Good to hear. This had better be the best goddamn song you’ve ever written, Gabriel Knight,” I warn him.