Page 53 of Harrison's Wedding

“Hah! Heather would kill me if I let you anywhere near the backstage area before the show,” I say as I lead them to our front row seats.

“Scared I’ll run away with one of the models, or with Heather?” he smirks at me as we sit down.

I laugh loudly and tell him, “Heather, of course. I’ve read the stories. I know what’s up.”

We’ve been sitting there for about ten minutes when a tall, sophisticated woman with long brown hair sits down opposite us in the chair marked for someone from Vogue.

“Heather’s going to shit bricks,” I whisper to the guys. “She didn’t think anyone from Vogue would show up.”

“I would if I were her,” Hayden laughs quietly. “That’s Nicole Spencer, their fashion director.”

“How do you know?” Sebastian asks.

“I was reading some articles about Heather’s fashion show last night and ended up going down a fashion rabbit hole on the internet. There was a big announcement article when she got appointed last year.”

We all turn to look back at the woman across from us, who catches my eye and smiles at me. I smile back, terrified that I’ll somehow fuck this up for Heather…or Sebastian will. Shit. Do I need to keep him away from the Vogue woman? Probably.

Not long after that, I spot April Conway sitting nearby. I wave at April, and she waves back just before the show begins. A redheaded model who I didn’t see before starts the show this time. So, I’m guessing this must be Carrie, one of the previously missing models. She’s very good and strides confidently down the catwalk before posing at the end. Everything works in sync with everything else, and the lighting changes with each model. The music, which is being played by a DJ Heather found online, is timed perfectly to each change.

I catch a few quiet comments from people around us, and they mostly sound positive. The woman from Vogue nods and looks interested at some of the designs, which I hope is a good sign.

The last model, a dark-skinned woman with long, loose braids, smiles brightly as she walks down the runway before stopping to pose at the end. She turns and walks back towards the entrance before disappearing. Then, all of the models return, starting with Carrie, who walks down the runway while clapping before she stops at the end.

The final model walks out again, then Heather appears behind her, and I think I stop breathing. Heather always looks beautiful, but she’s radiant at the moment. She’s wearing a dress with long sleeves which is fitted at the top before flaring out from her waist. It’s got flowing, interlocking patterns of different pastel colors, and she looks as though she’s one of the models in the show. I’m stunned by how amazing she looks, and the whole experience of this day.

The models are all standing at the sides of the catwalk, and Heather beams as she walks through the gap in the middle of them toward the end. Everyone is clapping for her, and when she passes us, Sebastian stands to cheer for her, causing the rest of the audience to stand as well.

Heather reaches the end of the runway, posing for photos and taking a bow before she turns to walk back up it with the models falling into line behind her. She grins at me as she passes, and I have to wipe a tear from my eye because I’m so fucking proud of her.

When the last of the models have disappeared, the lights come up on the audience, and it’s full of excited chatter. I head backstage as soon as I can, and rush to Heather’s side. I pull her into my arms and kiss her passionately.

“I’m so proud of you, angel,” I whisper in her ear.

Someone has popped a bottle of champagne and everyone cheers and toasts Heather, the models, and Ally. Even Russell and Damien, the DJ, get toasted.

Nicole Spencer, the woman from Vogue, comes backstage, but I saw Sebastian disappear with Kenna not long after the show ended, so at least I don’t have to worry about him fucking up Heather’s career in fashion. She talks to Hayden and me about our music and seems to be a fan, but she doesn’t ask for an autograph.

We’re making plans to go to a nightclub after Sebastian reappears when Hayden asks me quietly, “What do you think of Ally?”

“I think she’s awesome, why?” I ask with interest.

“I don’t know. She seems pretty cool.”

He flushes red and I smile at him.

“Yeah, she does. You should go for it.”

In the end, we all go out to a club, and Heather invites Ally, Emma, Damien, and Russell along to celebrate with us. April has made her way backstage, and Heather invites her to come out with us as well.

“Sure,” April laughs. “The show was epic, Heather. Will you make a gown for me to wear to an awards night next month?”

“Oh my god, um, yes!” Heather gasps. “Of course I will.”

We’re sitting in the VIP area of some nightclub in Chelsea later, and Heather’s reading some of the reviews online for her show. None of them are bad, and she seems exhilarated. Everyone is still running on a high from the success of the day.

“Will you direct my next fashion show, too?” Heather asks Ally in the early hours of the morning.

“So, I guess we’re not setting fire to your designs, then?” Ally laughs, sounding a little drunk.