Ally strides away as soon as we get backstage, and I turn to Heather. “You go sit on the sofa, angel. I’ll grab us some food.”
Heather nods, and I smile as she goes to sit down. I quickly get us plates of food from the craft services table before heading back to the sofa. Heather’s looking at her phone and laughing. She’s still laughing as I sit down, and she turns her phone’s screen toward me. I look at it to see a text from Sebastian.
What’s happening, lover? We’ll be heading over soon. Wanna pick out a model and we can have a threesome?
“You’d better not let Seb backstage!” I warn her with a grin as I give her the plate of food I got for her.
She puts the plate on her lap and types a response to Sebastian while still laughing. Her phone screen is slightly angled toward me, so I read their conversation while I pick up a sandwich and take a bite.
Nobody is letting you near any models until the show is over. Just FYI.
Yeah, that’s probably a wise decision. Knowing Sebastian, he’d be off knocking boots with one of the models mid-show and mess everything up.
Why do you have to ruin all my fun?
My show > your fun. Just saying.
Heather sends the reply, then picks up a sandwich herself, taking a bite of it as Sebastian’s reply pops up on the screen.
You = my fun. Also, just saying.
I grin evilly at Heather and say, “Seb’s such a fucker; give me your phone for a sec?”
Heather hands the phone to me, and I type out a response to Sebastian’s text.
Heather = mine. Am too, just saying. – Harrison
Heather leans over to kiss me, and the phone pings with a reply as I hand it back to her. She bursts into laughter as she turns the screen back to show me what he said.
Tell your old man that he wouldn’t feel the need to stake a claim if he didn’t feel threatened.
I read the text and laugh with her. She puts her phone away, and we talk while we eat the rest of our food. It’s nice to get these few moments alone with Heather. As we eat, I can see her relaxing at least a little, but it isn’t long before Ally comes to steal her away from me.
“Sorry to interrupt, guys, but we need Heather into hair and makeup now. Harrison, we didn’t talk about this, but are you planning on doing any of the press outside with Sebastian and Hayden when they arrive, or are you going straight to your seat?”
“Is it better for me to do press again?” I wonder. “We did some when we got here.”
“It really couldn’t hurt if you’re willing. Emma will liaise with Sebastian and Hayden on their arrival, and we’ll get you to where you need to be.”
“Well, since I’ve been nothing but trouble back here, I guess it’s the least I could do.” I wink at Ally, and she grins back at me.
“Great. Okay, Heather! Let’s go.”
Heather stands and follows Ally, waving as she walks away from me. Not long later, Ally’s assistant, Emma, comes to tell me that Sebastian and Hayden are almost here. I meet them outside, and we go through The Gauntlet together.
There are a lot of questions about Gabriel’s absence, but Sebastian shuts them down quickly each time. “I’m pretty sure I’d know if we were breaking up. Besides, aren’t we here to talk about Heather’s fashion line?”
“Are you looking forward to the show?” another reporter asks.
“I am. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be brilliant,” Sebastian says.
“I saw the dress rehearsal, and it is.” I wink at him.
“Ooh, what are the designs like, Harrison?” Someone turns a microphone to me quickly to ask this.
“I’d tell you, but I’d have to kill you,” I grin back at her.
We eventually make our way into the venue, and Sebastian turns to me. “So, where are the models?”