Page 50 of Harrison's Wedding

“Okay, the dress rehearsal is at ten,” Ally tells us, “as you can see, not all of the models will be fully ready for that, but it’s okay, they never are. It’s just to give us an idea and decide on any last-minute changes we want to make. I’ve already had word that two models won’t be able to make the dress rehearsal but can make the show. We need to decide if we’re okay with that.”

I see Heather’s face fall, and she asks, “Which models?”

“Liia and Carrie.”

Heather cringes, and I squeeze her hand, hoping to comfort her a little.

Ally says, “I know. Look, it isn’t a huge deal. Carrie isgood, she’ll be fine, and Liia was okay; she’s mid-show, so not a lot to screw up there. I say we run with them and have them do a run-through backstage.”

“I trust you. If you think it’ll be okay, let’s go with that.” Heather nods her head.

“Awesome, I’ll let the agencies know. I’ll also let them know I’m pissed. Harrison, you sit your gorgeous butt over there and relax”—she points to a cream leather sofa at the edge of the room near the craft services table—“I’m going to get your wonderful fiancée to come and give her approval of the accessories. All we need from you is to sit there and look pretty!”

“I’ll do my best,” I say, and laugh as Ally winks at me.

I quickly kiss Heather and hug her tightly before I head over to the sofa as Ally instructed. As soon as I sit down, four of the models who were eating at the craft services table rush over to me.

“Hi, Harrison,” a brunette woman with dark tanned skin says with a smile. “I’m Sasha.”

I smile back at her and reach my hand out to shake hers. “Hi, Sasha.”

“I’m Kenna,” a tall, blonde woman with green eyes and pale skin says as she drops onto the sofa next to me.

Sasha gives her an annoyed look, then sits on the other side of her.

“I’m Tylor, Harrison,” a model with black hair and brown skin and eyes tells me. “But you can call me Ty.”

“Ty. Nice to meet you.” I smile at the woman.

“I’m Alisa,” the last model, who has blonde hair and blue eyes, tells me as I shake her hand.

“Are Gabriel and Sebastian coming today?” Alisa asks me.

I have to try not to laugh because it’s pretty obvious that she’s asking specifically about those two for a reason. Poor Hayden gets overlooked by most women in favor of our other friends.

Not many fans even bother trying to hit on me since everyone knows about Heather, so I get to play wingman for my friends a lot. Or defender. Depends on the occasion, really. I get to hide behind Heather as a line of defense, and they hide behind me.

Something tells me that Sebastian won’t exactly want me blocking these models for him, though.

I shake my head at Alisa. “No, Gabriel couldn’t make it. Sebastian and Hayden will be here, though.”

“Oh, that’s exciting,” Sasha says. “Have you been to a fashion show before?”

“Yeah, Heather and I have been to a few together.”

“And now you get to go tohershow,” Kenna says with a laugh. “That’s pretty cool. Her designs are great. I was so excited she chose me.”

“Me, too!” Ty adds, and I smile at both women.

I’m full of pride that these women who are models are so excited by Heather’s designs. I mean, they could be blowing smoke up my ass, of course. Even so, I’m proud of her.

I continue talking to the models for another twenty minutes or so. They tell me about the shows they’ve been doing for Fashion Week, and also not-so-subtly try to get information out of me about Sebastian and Hayden.

They’re actually really nice, and I don’t even notice how much time has passed while we’ve been talking until Ally strides toward us with a glare on her face as she yells, “Ladies! You are not here to fangirl over the client’s fiancé; you are here to work, and if you ever want me to book you again, I suggest you do that!”

Ally places her hands on her hips, and both Kenna and Sasha jump up as if they’ve been bitten before following Ty and Alisa as they scurry away from me.

“You’re mean,” I laugh.