Page 49 of Harrison's Wedding

Our driver opens the car door and smiles at us. Heather thanks him as she steps out, and I nod at him as I follow her. I’m watching her carefully, because I can see she’s tense, but she’s always been very good with the media, and I see the moment she forces her body to relax.

“Heather! Good luck for today!”

“Harrison, where’s the rest of Cruise Control?”

We answer some of their questions and pose for photos together. There’s a small group of Cruise Control fans calling out to me, so I leave Heather answering questions about her show and head over to them.

“Hi, can you sign my t-shirt?”

“And my album!” someone else exclaims.

“Of course,” I laugh, and smile at the group.

“Are the other guys here today?” someone asks after I snap a selfie with them.

I nod. “Hayden and Sebastian are, but Gabriel couldn’t come.”

“When are you guys going to release a new album?” another person asks as I sign a poster for them.

I’m so grateful to have fans that are so eager to hear more from us.

“Soon,” I tell them.

“What’s Heather’s fashion show going to be like?”

I smile because I’m so proud of her. “Absolutely amazing.”

“She’s so pretty,” a teenage girl says.

I look over at Heather where she’s looking poised and sophisticated as she answers questions from the reporters.

“She really is,” I agree.

I talk to the fans for another minute or so, signing more things and taking more photos.

“I’d better get back to Heather. It was great to see you guys, though.”

I smile at the group, and they call out goodbye and wave as I walk back over to Heather in time to hear someone ask, “What do you have to say about rumors of a rift in the band?”

I notice Heather tense slightly before she relaxes again, and I decide to save her from answering as I approach them. “We say that’s insane.” I reach Heather and laugh as I continue, “But I’ll certainly text Gabriel and let him know we’re apparently splitting up!”

Everyone laughs at my comment, and Heather gives me a grateful look.

“Thanks for coming, guys,” I tell the group of reporters as I link hands with Heather. “I’d better get my gorgeous fiancée inside, though. No doubt, there’s plenty to be done in there.”

I wave goodbye to the fans as we walk toward the venue. When we get inside, the large room is all set up with a stage and chairs around it. Lights are shining down on the catwalk, and I look up to see Russell hanging lights. He was the lighting technician on our two concert tours, and he agreed to do the lighting for Heather’s show. He smiles at me, and I smile back and nod my head at him.

I’m just looking at the Serenity logo hanging behind the stage when a short, curvy, Asian woman wearing a blue dress rushes over to us. I’m assuming this is Ally Morrison. She’s a few years older than us, with shoulder-length hair cut into a bob.

She’s carrying a clipboard, wearing a headset with a mic near her mouth, and looks hassled as she says, “You’re here! Great, right on time! We have so much to do; let’s go. Hi, Harrison; nice to meet you.”

She holds out her hand, which I quickly reach out and shake, before she promptly turns and heads backstage without another word. I’m amused by this interaction, and I can see why Heather’s friends with her.

I turn to catch Heather’s eye and mouth to her, ‘I like her.’ Heather smiles and mouths back, ‘Me too.’

The backstage area is packed with people running around and doing tasks. It reminds me of being backstage before one of our concerts, while also being completely different. To the side of one of the entrances to the runway, there is a big board with pictures of all of the models wearing their outfits for the show.

People are rushing past us in every direction. Some are carrying items around, but most are models. A few are standing near the craft services table with food on it and chatting, but a lot of the women are in various stages of dress, and getting either their hair or makeup done. Heather’s hair stylist, Tristan, is working on one of the models, and he waves at her before turning back to his work.